A vulture, cruel as the king of the gods, came daily and tore him with its claws and beak. But this frightfulpunishment did not last forever. Prometheus himself knew that some day he should be set free, and this knowledge made him strong to endure. At last the time came when Jupiter's throne was in danger, and Prometheus, pitying his enemy, told him a secret which helped him to make everything safe again. After this, Jupiter sent Hercules to shoot the vulture and to break the Titan's chains. So Prometheus was set free. | 和众神之王一般残忍的兀鹰,每天飞来,用它的钩爪和尖喙不断地撕裂他。 但是这种残酷的惩罚并不会持续着。 普罗米修斯知道自己会被释放,因而使他坚强地忍耐下去。 这一天终于来临了,当朱比特的王位岌岌不保的时候,普罗米修斯同情他而教他一个秘诀,使得一切再度恢复到平稳。 事后,朱比特派遣海克力斯去杀兀鹰,并毁坏锁链。 把普罗米修斯释放出来了。 |