

Man dug iron out of the earth, and by the help of his new fire made weapons that were sharper than the
lion's teeth; he tamed the wild cattle by the fear of it, yoked them together, and taught them how to draw the plough; he sharpened strong stakes, hardening them in its heat, and set them around his house as a defence from his enemies; he did many other
things besides with the red flower that Prometheus had made to blossom at the end of the reed.

Jupiter, sitting on his throne, saw with alarm how strong man was becoming. One day he discovered the theft
of his shining red flower, and knew that Prometheus was the thief. He was greatly displeased at this act.

"Prometheus loves man too well," said he. "He shall be punished." Then he called his two slaves, Strength and Force, and told them to take Prometheus and bind him fast to a great rock in the lonely Caucasian Mountains. At the same time he ordered Vulcan, the lame smith-god, to rivet the Titan's chain
s in a cunning way that only Vulcan knew.

There Prometheus hung on the rock for hundreds of years. The sun shone on him pitilessly, by day only the kindly night gave him shade. He hear
d the rushing wings of the sea-gulls as they came to feed their young who cried from the rocks below. The sea-nymphs floated up to his rock to give him their pity.
朱比特坐在自己的王位上,看见人类变得如此强壮,着实吓了一跳! 有一天,他发现自己那朵绚烂的红花被偷走了,并且知道普罗米修斯就是那个小偷。 他的心情因此而变坏。
普罗米修斯太溺爱人类了!」朱比特说: 「必须惩罚他。」 因此他命令名叫「体力」和「势力」的两个奴隶,去逮捕普罗米修斯,将他紧紧地捆绑在荒凉的高加索山脉中的大岩壁上。 同时又指使腿瘸的冶铁之神瓦尔肯,用铁链锁住普罗米修斯──因为只有瓦尔肯才能够制造巧妙的锁链。
普罗米修斯被绑在那块岩石上已有好几百年。 白天太阳无情地照射着他─唯独有怜悯心的夜晚给他阴凉。 他聆听海鸥去喂食岩石下面啼叫的雏鸟时,振动翅膀所发出的声音。 海上的女妖们浮起来到岩石边安慰他。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
