

Apollo told them that Jupiter had given it to him so that he might return to visit them.

Jupiter saw Apollo as he unharnessed the swans from his chariot. His heart was filled with pride as he looked at the beautiful boy.

"The swan chariot will do for Apollo now," sai
d the ruler of the gods, "but when he is grown, Helios shall rest, and Apollo shall drive the chariot of the sun.

"Instead of white swans I will give him swift horses. The flowers of the Hyperboreans m
ay wreathe his chariot now, but I will give him a chariotwreathed in fire. "

Long ago, Vulcan, the God of Fire, had made the chariot of the sun and bathed it in fire from his magic forge. Ever after the chari
ot flamed and glowed with a light that could not be put out. Hyperion was the first one to drive this wonderful chariot, and the next was Helios, his son. Helios had driven it for so many years that now he was weary an
d ready to rest.

When Apollo was grown Jupiter sent for him and showed him the golden chariot.

"You shall harness your white swans no more!" said Jupiter. "Take the s
un into your keeping, and drive the chariot of the sun and the four horses of the day!"
在阿波罗将天鹅从车上卸下的时候,被朱比特瞧见了。 他看着这漂亮的孩子,内心非常得意。

「我要赐给他快马来取代白色的天鹅。 北方乐土的花朵,现在不妨编成花环装饰在他的车上。不过,将来我要给他一辆燎烧着火焰的车子!」 很久以前,火神乌尔肯完成了一辆日车,并且把这车子投入他那神奇溶炉的火中烧炼。
从此以后,车上一直冒着火焰且散发着不灭的光芒。 海比雷恩是第一个驾驶这辆奇妙车子的人,然后是他的儿子希略斯。 希略斯驾驶了很多年,而现在他觉得疲倦,所以打算要退休了。
朱比特说:「不必再用白天鹅拉你的车子了。 现在由你掌管太阳,并驾驶这辆由四匹马拖曳的日车吧!」。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
