

89. The Old Woman And The Wine-Jar

An Old Woman found an empty jar
which had lately been full of prime old wine, and which still retained the fragrant smell of its former contents. She greedily placed it several times to her nose, and drawing it backwards and forwards said, "O most delicious! How nice must the wine itself have been, when it leaves behind in the very vessel which contained it so sweet a perfume!"

The memory of a good deed lives.
89. 老妇人和酒瓶
一位老妇人,找到一个空瓶,这瓶子不久之前,曾盛满过最好的陈年老酒的,所以还带着从前的酒香。 她很嘴馋,就将它放到她鼻上嗅好几次,又把它摇晃了几下,说道:「啊,好甘醇啊! 这酒本身真不知多么美味,连盛过它的器皿里,都留下这样甘美的香味呢。」
