

123. The Wolf And The Lion

A Wolf having stolen a lamb from a fold
, was carrying him off to his lair. A Lion met him in the path, and, seizing the lamb, took it from him. The Wolf, standing at a safe distance, exclaimed, "You have unrighteously taken that which was mine from me." The Lion jeeringly replied, "It was righteously yours, eh? the gift of a friend?"
123. 狼和狮子
一匹狼在羔羊栏舍里偷了一只羊,便带着羊往它的洞里去。 在路上遇到一只狮子,狮子抢了它的羔羊,并衔着就走。 狼站在安全的远处,大声喊说:「你将我的东西,从我这里抢去,这是多么卑鄙哪!」 狮子讥笑地说:「你自己就很正直吗?喂,这只羊是朋友送给你的礼物吗?」
