

193. The Man And His Wife

A Man had a Wife who made herself hate
d by all the members of his household. He wished to find out if she had the same effect on the persons in her father's house. He therefore made some excuse to send her home on a visit to her father. After a short time she returned, when he inquired how she had got on, and how the servants had treated her. She replied, "The neat herds and shepherds cast on me looks of aversion." He said," O, Wife, if you were disl
iked by those who go out early in the morning with their flocks and return late in the evening, what must have been felt towards you by those with whom you passed the whole of the day!"

Straws show how the wi
nd blows.
193. 男人和他的妻子
有一个男人他有一个妻子,却被丈夫全家人所厌恶。 丈夫想知道她在她父亲家里,是否也一样的受人厌恶。 所以便托辞送她回家,要她去探望她的父亲。 不久她回来了,那时他就问她情形如何?那些仆人待她又如何? 她回答说:「牧羊的和牧牛的人,都对我摆出厌恶的脸色。」 他说:「唉,妻呀,那些他们一大早带了畜群出门去,到夜晚才归来的人,如果他们也都厌恶你,那么那些整天和你一起过日子的人,对你又该觉得如何呢?」
