

273. The Travellers And The Plane-Tree

Two Travellers, worn out
by the heat of the summer's sun, laid themselves down at noon under the wide spreading branches of a Plane-tree. As they rested under its shade, one of the Travellers said to the other, "What a singularly useless tree is the Plane! It bears no fruit, and is not of the least service to man." The Plane-tree, interrupting him, said, "You ungrateful fellows! Do you, while receiving benefits from me, and resting under my shade, dare to describe me as use
less, and unprofitable?"

Some men despise their best blessings.
273. 旅人和槐树
两个旅人被夏天的骄阳晒得非常疲倦,正午时刻,一起躺在一株枝丫展开得很茂盛的槐树底下。 当他们在它的庇荫之下休息时,一个旅人向另外那个说道:「槐树是多么孤独而没有用处的树木哪! 它长不出果实,对人类又一点用处也没有。」 槐树打断他的话说:「你这不知感恩的家伙!一面在接受我的好处,在我树荫下休息着,一面还敢说我没用又无益吗?」
