

103. The Shepherd And The Sea

A Shepherd, keeping watch over his s
heep near the shore, saw the Sea very calm and smooth, and longed to make a voyage with a view to traffic. He sold all his flock, and invested it in a cargo of dates and set sail. But a very great tempest coming on, an
d the ship being in danger of sinking, he threw all his merchandiseoverboard, and hardly escaped with his life in the empty ship. Not long afterwards, on some one passing by, and observing the unruffled calm of the sea, he interrupted
him and said, "Belike it is again in want of dates, and therefore looks quiet."
103. 牧羊人和海
一位牧羊人,在海边看守着他的羊群。看见海面风平浪静,想要去航海经商。 他便卖掉他所有的羊群,将所得的钱买了一船枣子,便开船出发了。 但是突遇暴风巨浪,船将有沉没之忧时,他把自己的货物全拋到船外去,甚至他的性命几乎不能因空船而保住。 不久之后,有人经过,牧羊人见海面又风平浪静,叫住他说:「也许它又要枣子了,所以看上去很平静。」
