

278. The Dog And The Oyster

A Dog, used to eating eggs, saw an O
yster; and opening his mouth to its widest extent, swallowed it down with the utmostrelish, supposing it to be an egg. Soon afterwards suffering great pain in his stomach, he said, "I deserve all this torment, for my folly in thinking
that everything round must be an egg."

They who act without sufficient thought will often fall into unsuspected danger.
278. 狗和牡蛎
一只狗常常吃鸡蛋,看见一个牡蛎,便尽量张大它的嘴,很好吃地把它吞下去,还以为那是一颗鸡蛋哩。 过了不久,它的胃里承受很大的痛苦,它才说:「我该受这痛苦的,因为我太笨了,以为凡是圆的东西便一定是鸡蛋。」
