

258. The Peasant And The Apple-Tree

A Peasant had in his garden
an Apple-tree, which bore no fruit, but only served as a harbour for the sparrows and grasshoppers. He resolved to cut it down, and, taking his axe in his hand, made a bold stroke at its roots. The grasshoppers and
sparrows entreated him not to cut down the tree that sheltered them, but to spare it, and they would sing to him and lighten his labours. He paid no attention to their request, but gave the tree a second and a third blow with his axe;
when he reached the hollow of the tree, he found a hive full of honey. Having tasted the honeycomb, he threw down his axe, and, looking on the tree as sacred, took great care of it.

Self intere
st alone moves some men.
258. 乡下人和苹果树
一个乡下人的园子里有棵不结果实的苹果树。只是让麻雀和蚱蜢作巢。 他决定把它砍下来,手中拿着斧头,在它根部重重地砍了一下。 蚱蜢和麻雀求他,不要把这庇荫它们的树砍了,只要他答应了,它们就会唱歌给他听,减轻他工作的疲劳。 他不顾它们的请求,用他的斧头,砍下第二次和第三次。当他砍到树的洞孔时,他找到了一窝的蜂蜜, 尝一口蜜,便丢下他的斧头,将那棵树视为神圣一般非常尊贵它。
