

176. The Wolf And The Fox

A very large and strong Wolf was born
among the wolves, who exceeded all his fellow-wolves in strength, size, and swiftness, so that they gave him, with unanimous consent, the name of "Lion." The Wolf, with a want of sense proportioned to his enormous size, thought that th
ey gave him this name in earnest, and, leaving his own race, consorted exclusively with the lions. An sly old Fox, seeing this, said, "May I never make myself so ridiculous as you do in your pride and self-conceit; for you really show
like a lion among wolves, whereas in a herd of lions you are a wolf."
176. 狼和狐狸
在众多狼之中有一只又高大又强壮的狼,它的气力、身材、敏捷度这些方面,远超过它所有的同伴,所以它们大家一致通过送它一个「狮子」的名号。 这只狼,身材虽高大,头脑却很愚笨,以为它们给它这个名字,是出自于至诚的,于是就离开了它自己的种族,独自去和狮子做同伴。 一只狡猾的老狐狸看见了,便说:「但愿我自己不会学你这样骄傲、这样自大啊;因为你在狼群里,固然真正地像一只狮子,但在狮子群中,你仍是一只狼啊。」
