

173. The Bull And The Calf

A Bull was striving with all his migh
t to squeeze himself through a narrow passage which led to his stall. A young Calf came up, and offered to go before and show him the way by which he could manage to pass. "Save yourself the trouble," said the Bull;
"I knew that way long before you were born."
173. 公牛和牛犊
一只公牛,用尽它所有的力气挣扎着,想要挤过一条小路,到它的栅栏里去。 一只小犊走上来,请求让它先走,并且指示它如何通过这条小路。 公牛说:「不劳你费心,在你没有出生以前,我早已知道那个方法了。」
