

96. The Two Dogs

A Man had two dogs; a Hound, trained to assist hi
m in his sports, and a House-dog, taught to watch the house. When he returned home after a good day's sport, he always gave the House-dog a large share of his spoil. The Hound feeling much aggrieved at this, reproached
his companion, saying, "It is very hard to have all this labour, while you, who do not assist in the chase, luxuriate on the fruits of my exertions." The House-dog replied, "Do not blame me, my friend, but find fault with the master, w
ho has not taught me to labour, but to depend for subsistence on the labour of others."

Children are not to be blamed for the faults of their parents.
96. 两只狗
一个人有两只狗,一只是猎狗,训练得会帮助他打猎;另一只是家狗,教会了看家。 他整天打猎回来,常常将猎得的东西,分出一大部分给那只家狗吃。 猎狗对于这件事,感到很气恼,便责骂它的同伴说:「我做打猎的工作,非常的辛苦,你在打猎时并没有尽半分力,现在坐享我努力所得的东西。」 那只家狗回答说:「我的朋友,请别责备我,你去和主人诉苦吧。他不教我工作,只教我依赖别人的工作而生存。」
