

75. Jupiter And The Monkey

Jupiter issued a proclamation to all th
e beasts of the forest, and promised a royal reward to the one whose offspring should be deemed the handsomest. The Monkey came with the rest, and presented, with all a mother's tenderness, a flat-nosed, hairless, ill-featured young Mon
key as a candidate for the promised reward. A general laugh saluted her on the presentation of her son. She resolutely said, "I know not whether Jupiter will allot the prize to my son; but this I do know, that he is, a
t least in the eyes of me, his mother, the dearest, handsomest, and most beautiful of all."
75. 周彼得和猴子
周彼得通告所有林中的野兽,答应赏赐奖品,给评判结果拥有最美丽后代的野兽。 猴子也跟着其它的野兽来了,它以一副慈祥的母亲的模样,带着一只扁鼻无毛、相貌丑陋的小猴子,来做这一次比赛的候选者。 当它呈献出它的儿子来时,大家便发出一阵哄堂大笑。 它毅然地说:「周彼得会不会将奖品给我的儿子,这我可不知道;但至少在我,即它母亲的眼里,这小猴子却是这当中最亲爱、最俊俏、最美丽的,这一点我是明白的。」
