

71. The Horse And His Rider

A horse Soldier took the utmost pains
with his charger. As long as the war lasted, he looked upon him as his fellow-helper in all emergencies, and fed him carefully with hay and corn. When the war was over, he only allowed him chaff to eat, and made him ca
rry heavy loads of wood, and subjected him to much slavish drudgery and ill-treatment. War, however, being again proclaimed, and the trumpet summoning him to his standard, the soldier put on his charger its military trappings, and mount
ed, being clad in his heavy coat of mail. The Horse fell down straightway under the weight, no longer equal to the burden, and said to his master, "You must now even go to the war on foot, for you have transformed me from a Horse into a
n Ass; and how can you expect that I can again turn in a moment from an Ass to a Horse?"
71. 马和骑兵
一个骑兵和他的战马,在沙场上历经百战。 战事持续的时候,他很重视他的马,当作一切危难中的救星,用稻草和谷物,小心地饲养它。 等到战事结束之后,他只允许它吃谷糠,还让它承担载运木材的重负;叫它做许多苦工贱役,受尽一切虐待。 然而战事又发生了,军令号召归队,骑兵将他的战马安置好鞍辔,自己也穿起笨重的盔甲,骑上马去。 但那战马再也不堪负重,立刻跌倒在地,并对它主人说:「如今你只好徒步去打仗吧,因为你已经使我从一匹马变成一只驴子了;现在你怎么能够在短时间之内,叫我从一只驴子再变回一匹马呢?」
