

293. The Eagle And The Beetle

The Eagle and the Beetle were at e
nmity together, and they destroyed one another's nests. The Eagle gave the first provocation in seizing upon and in eating the young ones of the Beetle. The Beetle got by stealth at the Eagle's eggs, and rolled them
out of the nest, and followed the Eagle even into the presence of Jupiter. On the Eagle making his complaint, Jupiter ordered him to make his nest in his lap; and while Jupiter had the eggs in his lap, the Beetle came flying about him,
and Jupiter rising up unawares, to drive him away from his head, threw down the eggs, and broke them.

The weak often revenge themselves on those who use them ill, even though they be the more powerful.
293. 老鹰和甲虫
老鹰和甲虫彼此仇视,它们互相毁坏巢穴。 老鹰首先挑战,攫取甲虫的小虫并吃掉它们。 甲虫也偷偷地潜进放着老鹰蛋的巢窝,将它们推出去。接着又跟踪老鹰到天神的面前。 当老鹰诉苦着,天神叫它把巢窝摆在他的膝部;当天神的膝部有了老鹰的蛋时,甲虫在他的四周环绕,天神不知不觉地站了起来,想赶走甲虫远离他的头上,结果把那些蛋全摔在地上打破了。
