

290. The King's Son And The Painted Lion

A King who had only one
son, fond of martial exercises, had a dream in which he was warned that his son would be killed by a lion. Afraid lest the dream should prove true, he built for his son a pleasant palace, and adorned its walls for his amusement with a
ll kinds of animals of the size of life, among which was the picture of a lion. When the young Prince saw this, his grief at being thus confined burst out afresh, and, standing near the lion, he thus spoke: "O you most detestable of an
imals? through a lying dream of my father's, which he saw in his sleep, I am shut up on your account in this palace as if I had been a girl; What shall I now do to you ?" With these words he stretched out his hands toward a thorn-tree,
meaning to cut a stick from its branches that he might beat the lion, when one of its sharp prickles pierced his finger, and caused great pain and inflammation, so that the young Prince fell down in a fainting fit. A violent fever sud
denly set in, from which he died not many days after.

We had better bear our troubles bravely than try to escape them.
290. 王子和画狮
一个国王只有一个儿子,很喜欢武术,有一天国王做了一个梦:有人警告他,说他的儿子将要被狮子所杀害。 国王恐怕这梦将会应验,便替他的儿子建造王宫,墙上都粉饰着所有的野兽,形貌不尽相同,当成他儿子娱乐的玩具,其中也包含了狮子。 王子看见这些,他为自己被幽居起来而感到忧伤,于是重新振作,站到狮子面前,他说:「噢,你这最可恶的野兽,只因我的父亲在睡眠中做了一个梦,我就因此被关禁在这个宫中,像女孩一般,我现在将怎样来对待你呢?」 说罢便对着荆棘伸出手来,想要折一枝木条来鞭打狮子,此时一根荆棘刺伤了他的手指,使他痛得很厉害并发炎,王子便昏倒。 最后因为突然的猛烈发烧,不久便死掉了。
