

265. Truth And The Traveller

A wayfaring Man, travelling in the
desert, met a woman standing alone and terriblydejected. He inquired of her, "Who are thou?" "My name is Truth," she replied. "And for what cause," he asked, "have you left the city, to dwell alo
ne here in the wilderness?" She made answer, "Because in former times falsehood was with few, but is now with all men, whether you would hear or speak."
265. 真实和旅客
一个旅客在一片沙漠中旅行时,遇见一个女人独自站在那里悲伤着。 他问她:「你是谁?」 她回答说:「我的名字叫真实。」 他问:「那么,你为了什么缘故离开城市,独自住在荒野之中呢?」 她回答:「因为在从前,虚伪只和少数几个人在一起,但是现在却和所有的人在一起了,不论是你听到的,或者说的都一样。」
