

225. The Two Men Who Were Enemies

Two Men, deadly enemies to each
other, sailed in the same vessel. Determined to keep as far apart as possible, the one seated himself in the stern, and the other in the prow of the ship. A violent storm having arisen, and the vessel being in great
danger of sinking, the one in the stern inquired of the pilot which of the two ends of the ship would go down first. On his replying that he supposed it would be the prow, then said the Man, "Death would not be grievous to me, if I co
uld only see my Enemy die before me."
225. 两个仇人
两个结有仇恨的人,同乘在一艘船上。 他们决定尽可能地远远分开,一个坐在船尾,一个坐在船头。 忽然起了狂风暴雨,船有沉没的危险,所以那坐在船尾的人问把舵的人说,船的两头,那一头会先沉下去。 把舵的人回答说,照他的猜想,大概是船头先沉,于是那人便说:「现在我已不惧怕死亡降临了,只要我能够看见我的仇人先我而死。」
