The great painter was asked,one day to paint a picture of"Pharaoh crossing the Red Sea".A little while after the picture had been commenced,a hitch arose over the fee,and Hogarth found that he would have to complete the
commission for about half the sum he expected. When the work was com pleted, the
patron was asked to come and inspect it.As a matter of fact,the picture was just one daub of brilliant red.
"What's this?" exclaimed the purchaser.I asked for theRed Sea, on the occasion of the celebrated passage."
"That's it,"replied Hogarth.
"But,where are the Israelites?"
"They are all gone over."
"Where are the Egyptians?"
"They're all drowned."
霍 迦 斯
Creighton was going along a West End square when hesaw a little fellow
trying to reach the knocker of a large house.
"Can't you reach up so high?"queried the Bishop kindly.
"No, sir," said the small youngster.
"Well, then, let me help you," and the Bishop mountedthe three steps and gave a splendid rattat.
The little boy glanced hastily at the gentleman of the cloth."Come on," he yelled,"we must boaf run nar."
当克莱顿主教沿着伦敦西区的一个广场走着的时候,他 看见一个小家伙正试图抓住一所大房子的门环。