

瓷房子 China House


Speaking of China, many people would think about porcelains. Actually porcelain is a symbol of the Chinese culture, just as precision and antiquity that of French architecture. Nevertheless, can you guess what it would be if these two kinds of cultural symbols are integrated into one thing?


There is an old building of French style situated at No. 72 Chifeng Road of Tianjin. What's unusual about it is that there are more than 700 million ancient Chinese ceramic chips tiled all over its outworn walls. To combine the east with the west, the modern with the classic itself is an amazingartistic attempt. You would never believe that the designer of the art, Mr. Zhang Lianzhi, has never been in the classroom for design or architecture, and he built this "china house" out of his love for culture and art.


The building itself is a French architecture with a history of more than a century. In 2001, Mr. Zhang bought the house to realize his childhood dream. He has a keen interest in china when he was still very young. He has a habit of keeping the pieces of porcelain articles that were broken for various reasons, hoping some day they would be of use again. After 8 years of efforts, Mr. Zhang created this legendary "china house" with those broken pieces and antiques collected before, giving these already dead things new vitality.


Standing in front of the "china house", what you see first is a fence of nearly 10 meters long around the building. It is no ordinary fence, but the one inlaid with porcelain bottles and rock crystals. It is said that only the ancient china bottles embedded in the fence are numbered over 600. At the entrance of the "china house" is a 760-meter-long huge "china dragon" formed with over hundreds of thousands of ancient porcelain chips. On either side of the house are also several ceramic dragons alike "crawling" from the ground to the top of the building, and then "spitting" the English word "china" there. The English word is also made of porcelain chips, with its letters connected together showing a dynamic beauty. Inside the house are many reliefs made up with ancient porcelain chips and each of them represents a different beautiful wish. For example, if lovers have a picture taken in front of the 8 lotus paintings, it is believed that they will be together for ever. The whole place looks like a maze of fairy tales made up of porcelains, and even the roofs, walls and stair rails are almost covered with china chips, full of pleasant surprise and novelty.


The designer's name, Zhang Lianzhi, is pieced up with porcelain chips on the wall.
