

He was sitting on the back of the East Wind, who kept tight hold of him, and they flew so high that
woods and meadows, rivers and seas appeared like a large illuminated map.
"Good morning!" said the East Wind; "you may as well sleep a little longer, for there is not much to be seen on that flat surface beneath us,
unless you can find amusement in counting churches; they stand like little bits of chalk on the green board there below." What he called the green board were fields and meadows.
"It was uncivil t
o depart, without taking leave of your mother and brothers," said the Prince.
"That may be excused, as you were asleep," said the East Wind. And now they flew even faster than before; how fast, mi
ght be seen by the tops of the trees, whose branches and leaves rustled as they passed them; and by the seas and lakes, for as they crossed them the waves rose higher, and large ships bowed low like swans in the water.
In the evening, when it became dark, the large towns had a most curious appearance. Lights were burning here and there; it was just like watching the sparks on a burnt piece of paper, as they vanish one after another, like children c
oming home from school.
The Prince clapped his hands, but the East Wind begged him to be quiet and to hold fast, as otherwise he might fall, and remain suspended from the top of a church-steeple.

「早安!」东风说:「你可以再多睡一会儿,因为在我们下面的东西没什么好看的,除非你对数那些教堂有兴趣,它们树立在那里就好象是绿色板子上的小粉笔头。」 他所谓的绿色板子指的就是田地和草原。
「没有关系的,因为你睡得很熟。」东风说。 此刻他们飞得比刚才还要快,而树林顶端的叶子因为他们经过而发出沙沙声,从这里就可以了解他们究竟飞得有多么快!还有,他们飞过海洋和湖泊时,水面卷起惊涛骇浪,使得船只摇晃得像一只在水中低垂屈身的天鹅。
夜晚来临了,天色渐渐暗淡,那些大城市有一种奇特的样子。 灯光在各地亮了起来,这景象就好象有人烧完了一张纸,然后看着小火花一个接一个熄灭了;也像是观赏孩子们从学校放学回家的情景。
