There she stood now a-weeping; the swineherd cursed and the rain poured down in torrents. "Alas! wretched creature that I am!" said the Princess; "if only I had taken that nice Prince! Alas! how miserable I am!" Then the swineherd slipped behind a tree, wi ped all the black and brown from his face, threw away his nasty clothes, and stepped forward in his princelyraiment, looking so handsome that the Princess could not but curtsey. "I have come to scorn you," said he. "You would not have an honest Prince! You could not appreciate roses and nightingales, but you could kiss the swineherd for a foolish toy! Take it, then, and much good may it do you!" So he returned to his kingdom, shut the door behind him and barred and bolted it, and she was left outside to sing:�w "Ah! thou darling Augustine! 'Tis all ov er now, I ween!" | 这时她站在宫殿外哭了起来,养猪人也发起牢骚,天正下着滂沱大雨。 「唉!我这个可怜人!」公主说:「我如果答应那个优秀的王子就好了! 唉!我是多么不幸啊!」 养猪人于是走到一棵树后面,擦掉脸上的颜色,脱掉身上破烂的衣服,穿回一身王子的服饰,又走了出来。他是那么俊俏,连这位公主都不得不在他面前屈膝行礼。 「我现在有点看不起你了!」他说。 「一个诚实的王子你不想要。 玫瑰和夜莺你也不欣赏,但是为了一个玩具,你却愿意和一个养猪人接吻。 如今你总算自食恶果了。」 于是王子回到他的王国,把她关在门外,并且插上门闩了。现在她只能站在外面唱着── 啊!我亲爱的奥古斯汀! 我想,一切都完了! |