

Through the lofty windows you looked into magnificent rooms hung with costly silk curtains and tapest
ries, and all the walls were adorned with large pictures, so that it was a pleasure to look at them. In the midst of the principal room splashed a large fountain, the jets of which rose high into the air towards the glass cupola, throug
h which the sun shone down upon the water and the beautiful plants which grew in the basin.
So now she knew where the Prince dwelt, and many an evening and many a night she rose upon the water. She
swam much nearer to the land than any of the others had ventured to do; nay, she went up the narrow canal, under the marblebalcony which cast a long shadow across the water. Here she used to sit and gaze at the young Prince, who fancie
d he was quite alone in the bright moonshine.
Many an evening she saw him sail in his splendid boat with banners waving and music playing; she would peep from among the green rushes, and when the wind played with her
long silvery white veil and people caught sight of it, they took it to be a swan spreading its wings.
Many a night, too, when the fishermen were trailing their nets by torch-light, she heard them speaking of the you
ng Prince, and praising him so highly that she was more than ever glad that she had saved his life when he was drilling on the billows. And she remembered how his head had rested on her breast, and how ardently she had kissed him; but a
s he knew nothing of all this, he could not even dream about her.

透过那些高大明亮的玻璃窗,人们可以看到一些金碧辉煌的大厅,里面悬挂着珍贵的丝质窗帘和织锦,墙上装饰着大幅的画像,就单单只看这些东西也是一件令人非常愉快的事情。 在最大的一个厅堂中央,有一个巨大的喷泉正喷着水,水柱一直向上面的玻璃圆屋顶喷去,而阳光又透过玻璃反射下来,照到水面,也照到生长在这大水池里的植物上面。
现在她知道王子住在什么地方了。她在这里的海面上度过好几个黄昏和黑夜。 她远远地向陆地游去,比任何一个姊姊敢去的地方都还要遥远。的确,她甚至游到那个狭隘的河流里,直到那个壮观的大理石阳台下面;而它长长的影子倒映在水上。 她停留在那儿,凝视着年轻的王子,而这位王子还以为月光下只有他一个人呢!
许多个夜里,当渔夫们打着火把出海捕鱼时,她听到他们谈论许多称赞这位王子的话。她不由得就高兴了起来,觉得当海浪把他淹得奄奄一息时,是她救了他生命的。 她想起他的头是怎样紧紧地靠在她的怀里,而她是多么热情地吻着他。可是这些事他一点也不知道,甚至连做梦也不会梦到她。
