

ThumbelinaATXul0 cf0
There was once a woman w
ho wanted very much to have a wee little child, but had no idea whatever where she should find one. So she went to an old witch and said to her:" I do so long to have a little child; will you tell me where I can get one?"
"We'll soon get over that difficulty!" said the witch. "Here is a barley-corn; it is not at all the sort which grows in the farmers' fields, or that fowls are given to eat. Put it in a fl
owerpot and you'll see something, I promise you."
"Thank you," said the woman, and she gave the witch twelve silver pennies, went home, and planted the barley-corn. Immediately a beautiful flower gr
ew up which looked just like a tulip, but the leaves were all folded tightly together as if it were still budding.
"That's a pretty flower!" said the woman; and she kissed the lovely red and yellow petals. At that very moment the flower gave a loud crack and opened. It was a real tulip, anyone could see that, but right in the middle of the flower sat a wee little girl, so nice and fine. She was only a thumb long, s
o they called her Thumbelina.

从前有一个女人,非常渴望有一个一丁点小的孩子。但是她不知道可以从那里获得。 所以她就去请教一位巫婆,她对巫婆说:「我很想要有一个小小的孩子!你能告诉我在那里可以得到吗?」
「喔!这非常容易!」巫婆说。 「你把这颗大麦拿去吧!它可不是乡下人田里长的那种大麦粒,也不是鸡吃的那种大麦粒。 你把它埋在一个花盆里,过不久,就可以看到你想要的东西了。」
「谢谢你!」女人说。她给了巫婆三个银币,然后回到家去种下那颗大麦。 不久,它就长出了一朵美丽的大红花,看起来很像一朵郁金香,不过花瓣儿仍紧紧地包着,好象仍旧是一个花苞似的。
「这是一朵美丽的花,」女人说,同时在那美丽的、黄而带红的花瓣上亲吻了一下。 不过,当她正在吻它的时候,花儿忽然裂开而绽放了。 人们现在可以看出,这是一朵真正的郁金香。但是在这朵花的中心,那绿色的花蕊上面,坐着一位娇小的姑娘,她看起来是那么的细嫩可爱。 她还没有大拇指那般的长,因此人们叫她为「拇指姑娘」。
