

Many a morning and many an evening she rose to the spot where she had last seen the Prince. She saw how the fruits of the garden ripened and were plucked; she saw how the snow melted on the lofty mountains, but the Prince she did not see, and every time she returned home more and more sorrowful. Her only consolat
ion was to sit in her little garden and fling her arms round the pretty marblestatue which was so like the Prince. But she did not attend to her flowers at all; they grew as if in a wilderness right over the paths and wreathed their lo
ng stalks and leaves among the branches of the tress till it was quite gloomy beneath their shade.
At last she could endure her sorrow no longer, but told her story to one of her sisters, and so all the others got to
know it; and then it reached the ears of a couple of other mermaids, who told it to nobody but their closest friends. One of these happened to know who the Prince was and all about him; she also had seen the merry-making on board the s
hip and knew whence he came and where his kingdom lay.
"Come, little sister!" said the other Princesses, and with their arms round each other's shoulders, they rose in a long row out of the sea in the place where the
y knew the Prince's palace stood. This was built of a light yellow glistening stone, with broad marble staircases, one of which reached straight down to the sea. Gorgeous gilded cupolas rose above the roof, and between
the columns which went round the whole building stood marblestatues which looked like living beings.

数不清的夜晚和清晨,她浮出水面向她曾经放下王子的地方游去。 看到那花园里的果子成熟,被摘下来了;她看到高山上的雪融化了;但是她就是看不到那个王子。所以她每次回到家里后,总是感到痛苦不堪。 而她唯一的安慰是坐在她的小花园里,用双手拥抱着与王子相像的美丽大理石像。 可是她再也不费心照料花儿了。这些花儿好象是生长在旷野中的野花,开着满地都是,它们的茎和叶子跟树的枝丫交缠在一起,使这地方显得非常阴暗。
最后她再也忍受不了了。不过只要她把心事告诉了其中一个姊姊,其它的人也就很快都知道了。于是她只把这秘密告诉几个知心的朋友,而她们不会告诉别人。 她们当中有人知道那个王子是什么人;她也看到过那次在船上举行的庆祝;更知道这位王子是从什么地方来的;且他的国家在什么地方。
「来吧!小妹!」其它的公主们说。她们相互把手搭在肩上,一长排地浮到海面,一直游到一个她们认为是王子所住的宫殿。 这宫殿是用明亮的淡黄色石块建造的,里面有许多宽大的大理石台阶,其中有一个台阶可以一直延伸到海里呢! 华丽的、金色的圆塔从屋顶上延伸到天空,在围绕着这整幢建筑物的一根根圆柱中间,矗立着许多大理石像。他们看起来像是活生生的人一样。
