The Flying TrunkATXul0 cf0 There was once a merchant who was so rich that he could have paved the whole street, and a little alley besides with silver pieces, but he didn't, for he had other things to do with his money. He made a quarter out of every penny he invested (that's, the sort of merchant he was!), and then he died. His son now got all this money and he lived right merrily, went to fancy balls every night, made kites out of bonds and banknotes, and played at ducks and drakes ove r the water with gold pieces instead of stones, so that his money bad leave to go, and go it did, till at last he had nothing in the world but that he was not fit to be seen in the street with them, his friends washed their hands of him altogether; but o ne of them, who was better- natured, sent him an old trunk, with the message "Pack up!" which was certainly very good advice, but as he had nothing at all to pack up he sat on the trunk instead. It was a very wonder ful trunk. You had only to press the lock and the trunk set off flying. It did so now. Whisk! Up the chimney it flew with him, high above the clouds, farther and farther and farther still; it creak ed frightfully and the young man was terrified lest it should go to pieces altogether, But at last he got to the land of the Turks. | 飞箱。 从前有一个商人非常有钱,他的钱几乎可以铺满一整条街,剩下的还可以用来铺一条小巷。不过他没有这样做,他还有其它方法可以运用这些钱。 他每拿出一分钱,就一定要赚回一块钱。他就是这样的一个商人──直到他死了! 如今他的儿子继承他全部的财产,生活非常愉快。他每晚去参加化装舞会,用纸币做风筝;用金币而不用石块的在海边玩着打水漂的游戏。如此下去,钱是很容易就花光的,而他的钱就真的这样花光了!最后他只剩下四便士,还有一双便鞋和一件旧宽袍。他的朋友们再也不愿意跟他来往,因为他再也不适合跟他们一起逛街。不过这些朋友中有一个心地善良的人,送给他一个箱子,并说:「把你的东西放进去吧!」这虽然是善意,但是他并没有任何东西可以放进去,因此他就自己坐进箱子里去。 这是一个很好的箱子。 你只要在锁孔按一下,箱子就可以飞起来。 它真的飞起来了! 呀!箱子带着他从烟囱里飞出去了,高高地飞到云层里,愈飞愈远。他非常害怕的从箱子里发出声音,怕它裂成碎片,因为如此一来,他可就会跌得粉身碎骨了。但他居然飞到了土耳其。 |