"The daughters of the air, likewise, have not an immortal soul, but they can obtain one by the ir good deeds. "We fly to the hot countries, where the sultry, pestilential air destroys the children of men; there we waft coolness and spread the fragrance of flowers through the air to heal and refresh. "When for three hundred years we have striven to do all the good in our power, we obtain an immortal soul and share the eternal destinies of the human race. You, poor little mermaid, have striven after good w ith your whole heart; like us, you have suffered and endured, and raised yourself into a spirit of the air. Now, therefore, you, too, can win for yourself an immortal soul after three hundred years of good deeds." And the little mermaid raised her bright arms towards the sun, and for the first time felt tears in her eyes. There were life and bustle on board the ship again; she saw the Prince and his beautiful b ride seeking her, and then gazing sadly down upon the bubbling foam, as if they knew she had plunged into the billows. Unseen by either of them, she kissed the bride's forehead, smiled upon the Prince, and rose with the other children of the air up to the rosy clouds which were sailing the sky. "For three hundred years we shall float and float and float till we glide right into God's kingdom." | 「天空的女儿也没有永恒的灵魂,不过她们可以借着善良的行为创造出一个灵魂。 「我们飞向酷热的国度里去,那儿的空气正散布着瘟疫残害人民,我们可以吹起凉爽的风,可以在空气中散播花香,我们可以散播健康和愉快的精神。 「三百年以后,当我们尽力完成我们可能做的一切善行,我们就可以获得一个不灭的灵魂,就可以分享人类一切永恒的幸福了。 妳!可怜的小美人鱼!像我们一样曾经全心全意地为目标奋斗;你饱受痛苦;你坚持;你已经晋升到精灵的世界里来。 藉由你善良的工作,三百年以后,你就可以为自己创造出一个不灭的灵魂。」 小美人鱼举起了她洁亮的手臂朝着太阳,她第一次感到要流出眼泪。 在那艘船上,人声喧嚣,活动又开始了。她看到王子和他美丽的新娘在寻找她。他们悲伤地望着那翻腾的泡沫,好象他们知道她已经跳到海浪里去似的。 在不知不觉中,她吻这位新娘的前额,她对王子微笑。于是她就跟其它空气中的精灵们一道骑上玫瑰色的云彩,乘入天空里去了。 「这样三百年以后,我们就可以进入天国?」 |