

Then the children, who were at play, came and seated themselves in front of the fire, and looked at
it, and cried "Pop, pop." But at each pop, which was a deep sigh, the tree was thinking of a summer day in the forest, or of some winter night there, when the stars shone brightly; and of Christmas evening, and of Humpty Dumpty, the on
ly story it had ever heard or knew how to relate, till at last it was consumed. The boys still played in the garden and the youngest wore the golden star on his breast, with which the tree had been adorned during the happiest evening o
f its existence. Now all was past; the tree's life was past, and the story also...for all stories must come to an end at last.

接着在玩耍的小孩们过来坐在火堆前,望着火说:「砰!砰!」 然而每一声的「砰」──都是深深地叹息──无不让枞树想起在夏季森林的时光,或者某个星光灿烂的冬夜以及圣诞夜,还有它唯一听过且知道如何说的故事──哈普第?达提,直到它最后烧成灰烬。 男孩们照样在花园里玩耍。最小的把那颗黄金星星别在胸前,这是枞树活着时最幸福的那晚做装饰的黄金星星。 如今一切都过去了,枞树的生命结束了,而这个故事也结束了,因为所有的故事到最后必须有个结局。
