

One day he went into the wood; he went alone, for to wander thus was his chief delight.
The evening approached, the clouds gathered, the rain poured down, as if all the sky was nothing but a vast flood-gate; it was as dark as we might suppose it to be at night-time in the deepest of wells.
The Prince now slipped among the wet grass, now stumbled over bare rocks which projected from the stony ground. Everything was dripping with water; the poor Prince had not a dry thread on his skin. He was obliged to
creep over great blocks of stone, where the water trickled down from the moss.
His strength was just failing him, when he heard a strange rustling, and saw before him a large lighted cavern. A fir
e was burning in the centre, at which a stag might have been roasted whole, and, indeed, this was the case; a very fine stag, with his branching antlers, was placed on the spit, and was slowly turned between the stems of two fir-trees. An aged woman, but tall and strong as if she were a man in disguise, sat by the fire, throwing upon it one piece of wood after another. "Come nearer," said she; "sit down by the fire and dry your clothes."
"There is a terrible draught here," said the Prince, as he sat down on the ground.
"It will be still worse when my sons come home," answered the woman. "You are now in the Cavern of the Win
ds; my sons are the four Winds. Do you understand me?"

夜幕低垂,云层密布,下着滂沱大雨,整个天空仿佛是一座巨大的水闸似地。天黑得就好象我们在夜晚俯看深井时一般的昏暗。 王子此时在湿的草地上跌了一跤,一会儿又在崎岖不平的石地上蹒跚而行。 这里四处都因为雨水而变得湿漉漉的,可怜的王子身上没有一处是干的。 王子不得不在大石块上匍匐而行,水从青苔中慢慢滴落下来。
他快要精疲力竭时,听到了一种奇怪的沙沙声,而且他看到前面有一个明亮的大洞穴。 其中央有一团火烧着,上面正烤着一只鹿。果真如此,那是一只很棒的公鹿,还带有分叉的鹿角叉在烤肉架子上,在两枞树的树干间慢慢地转着。 一个年老的女人,高大壮硕,看起来仿佛是男扮女装的模样,她坐在火堆旁,把木柴一根接一根丢进火堆。 「过来!靠近一点。」她说着:「坐在火堆旁把衣服烘干。」
「我的儿子们回家来的时候,风还会更大呢!」那妇人回答。 「你现在正身处风洞里,我的儿子就是世上的四种风。 你听明白了没有?」
