

Why, with that money he might have bought the whole of the town, and all the sugar pigs of all the s
tall-women there, together with all the tin soldiers, whips, and rocking-horses in the whole world! Yes, there was money, and no mistake!
So the soldier threw away all the silver pieces he had fil
led his pockets and his knapsack with, and took gold instead-and he filled not only his pockets and his knapsack, but his cap and his shoes so that he could hardly walk. Then he lifted the dog on to the chest again, banged the lid, an
d bawled up the tree, "Draw me up now, old witch!"
"Have you got the tinder box?" asked the witch.
"Oh!" cried the soldier. "I had clean forgotten it," and h
e went back and fetched it, The witch then drew him up, and he stood again on the highway, with his pockets, boots, knapsack, and cap crammed with gold.
"What are you going to do with this tinder box?" asked the sol
"That doesn't concern you," said the witch. "You've got your money, haven't you? Now give me the tinder box, that's all I want."
bbish!" said the soldier. "Will you tell me this instant what you want with it, or I'll draw my sword and cut your head off!"
"No," said the witch, "I won't!"
The soldier at once struck her head off, and there she lay. He then tied up all his money in her apron, slung it over his shoulder, put the tinder box in his pocket, and walked straight to the town.

他可以用这些金子把整座城市买下来,更可以把卖糕饼女人所有的糖猪都买下来,甚至把全世界的锡兵、马鞭、摇动的木马啦!全部都买下来。 是的,那些都是钱,没错!
士兵把衣袋和行军背包里满装着的银币全部倒出来,再把金子装进去──包括他的衣袋、行军背包、帽子及皮靴全都装满了,而几乎使他连走都走不动。 然后他把狗儿又放回箱子上,锁好了门,在树里向上面喊了一声:「把我拉上去呀!老巫婆!」
「哦!」士兵说。 「我把它忘得一干二净。」于是他又下去,把火绒盒拿上来。巫婆把他拉出来,使他又站在马路上了。而他的衣袋、皮靴、行军背包、帽子,全都装满了金币。
「这不关你的事,」巫婆反驳他说。 「你得到钱了不是吗? 现在只要把火绒盒交给我就可以了。」
「胡说!」士兵说。 「除非告诉我你用它做什么,否则我就抽出军刀来,把你的头砍掉。」
士兵立即把她的头砍掉,然后她倒了下来。 他把所有的钱用她的围裙包起来,像一捆东西似的背在背上,而把那个火绒盒放在衣袋里,朝城里走。
