

The evening before the whole city was illuminated; buns and cakes were scattered broad-cast, and the
street-boys stood on their heads, whistled through their fingers, and cried "Hurrah!" It was truly magnificent.
"Yes; I must take good care to do something likewise!" thought the merchant's son. So he bought rockets, crackers, and every sort of firework you can think of, put them in his trunk and then flew up into the air. How they went off and how they fizzed! The Turks all skipped into the
air at the sight, so that their slippers flew about their ears; such a shower of meteors they had never seen before. Now they could well understand that it was the god of the Turks himself who was to marry the Princess.

As soon as the merchant's son came down again into the wood with his trunk he thought: "I will just go into the town to learn how the affair went off!" And it was only natural that he should wish to do so.
Every one whom he asked about it had seen the affair in his own way, but one and all thought it charming.
"I saw the god of the Turks himself," said one, "he had eyes like shining st
ars and a beard like foaming water."
"He flew in a fiery mantle," said another; "the loveliest little angels peeped forth from the folds of it."
Yes, he heard the most beautifu
l things about himself, and the day after he was to be married.
And now he went back to the wood to sit on his trunk-but where was it? The trunk was burnt!

在结婚的前一天晚上,全城灯火通明,并在街上散发饼干和点心给群众。小孩子踮着脚尖,高声喊:「万岁!」并吹起口哨来。 非常的热闹。
「是的,我也应该让大家快乐一下才对!」商人的儿子想。 因此他买了些烟火和炮竹,以及任何可以想得到的鞭炮,把这些东西装进箱子里,向空中飞去。 「啪!」它们爆炸了,响得嘶嘶作响! 所有的土耳其人一听见就跳起来,他们的拖鞋都飞到耳朵旁边去了。他们从来没有见过这样的火球。 他们现在知道了,要跟公主结婚的人就是土耳其的神。
商人的儿子坐着飞箱又降落到森林里,他想:「我现在要到城里去一趟,看看这究竟产生了什么效果。」 他有这样的想法也是很自然的。
他回到森林里来,想坐进他的箱子里──但它到哪儿去了呢? 箱子被烧毁了。
