

"But," she added, "you must come on Saturday when the King and Queen are here to tea; they wi
ll be very proud for me to have a Turkish god for my husband. But see that you have a really lovely tale ready, for that is what my parents are particularly fond of; my mother likes her stories moral and refined, while my father likes
them rollicking-things that make one laugh, you know!"
"Very well, the only bridal gift I shall bring will be a nice tale!" said he, and so they parted. But the Princess gave him a sabre set with
gold pieces; it was just what he wanted and he could turn it to good account.
So he flew away, bought himself a new dressing-gown, and then sat down in the wood and began composing a tale; it was to be ready by Sat
urday, and it is not so easy to compose that sort of thing to order.
But he was ready with it at last, and by that time it was Saturday. The King and Queen and the whole Court were having tea with
the Princess, and they were all awaiting him. He was received so nicely!
"And now will you tell us a tale?" said the Queen, "one that is profound and improving!"
"But which will make one laugh as well!" said the King.
"Oh, certainly!" said he; and so he told them what you must now listen to very attentively.
"There was once a bundle
of matches which were very proud of their descent; their ancestral tree-that is to say, the great fir-tree of which each one of them was a little splinter-had been a huge old tree in the forest.

「不过,」她说:「你星期六一定要到这儿来,那时候国王和王后将会来和我一起喝茶!我要跟一位土耳其人的神结婚,他们一定会感到骄傲。 可是,请注意!你得准备一个好听的故事,因为我的父母也都喜欢听故事。我的母亲喜欢听高尚和有道德的故事,我的父亲则喜欢听热闹的、引人发笑的故事!」
「好吧!我就不带任何的订婚礼物,而带一个好听的故事来。」他说;接着他们就这样道别了。 公主送给他一把上面镶着金币的剑,而这对他非常的有用。
他总算把故事编好,但已经是星期六了! 国王、王后和全体大臣们都到公主的宫殿来喝茶。他们都在等待他。 而他确实受到非常礼遇的招待。
