

He hid the trunk in a wood beneath some dried leaves and then went into the town; there was nothing
to prevent him from doing that, for among the Turks everybody went about like himself, in dressing-gowns and slippers.
He happened to meet a nurse with a little child. "Listen, thou Turkish nurse!
" said he, "what is that large castle close to the town with the windows all so high?"
"That is where the King's daughter dwells!" said she; "it has been foretold that she will have great trouble about a lover, and
so no wooer is allowed to approach her unless the King and Queen come too."
"Thank you!" said the merchant's son; and he went back to the wood, sat on the trunk, flew on to the roof of the castle, and crept through
the Princess's window.
She lay upon a sofa asleep, and was so pretty that the merchant's son could not help kissing her. She awoke and was quite frightend, but he said he was the god of the Turks
who had come through the air to her, and that seemed to please her. So they sat side by side and he told her tales about her eyes; he said they were like beautiful dark lakes and that thoughts swam in them like so many little mermaids;
and he made up tales about her forehead, which he said was like a snow mountain with the loveliest rooms and pictures; and he told her about the stork that brings the sweet little children. Yes, indeed, very pretty tales they were, so
he wooed the Princess and she said "Yes," immediately.

他遇到一个牵着孩子的保姆。 「听说你是土耳其的保姆!」他问:「城边的那座宫殿的窗子开得那么高,这是怎么一回事啊?」
公主正躺在沙发上睡觉。她是如此的美丽,商人的儿子情不自禁吻了她一下。 公主醒了过来,大吃一惊,不过他自称是土耳其人的神,从天上飞来看她。这话让她很高兴。 他们就并肩坐在一起。他说了一些关于她的眼睛的故事。他说这像是一座最美丽、乌黑的湖,思想像小美人鱼一样在里面游来游去。他又说了一些关于她的前额的故事。他说它像一座雪山,上面有最富丽堂皇的大厅和图画。他还讲一些关于鹳鸟的故事,它们送来可爱的婴儿。 是的,这都是非常动听的故事!于是他向公主求婚。她马上就答应了。
