

He took his gold crown from his head and put it on hers, asking her name and begging her to be his wi
fe, for then she would be the Queen of the flowers!
Now, this was something like a husband, and very different from the son of a toad, or a mole in his black fur coat. So she said "Yes" to the prett
y prince, and from every flower came forth a lord or a lady elf, all so graceful that it was a joy to behold them. At the weddingeveryone brought Thumbelina a present, but the best of all was a pair of pretty wings from a large white f
ly; they were fastened on to Thumbelina's back, so that she could fly from flower to flower. There was a great merry-making, and the swallow sat overhead in his nest and sang to them as well as he could, but at heart he was distressed,
for he loved Thumbelina and would have liked to be with her always.
"Farewell, farewell!" sang the swallow, a little later, and flew away again from the warm land-far, far away back to Denmark. The
re it has a little nest over the window of the man who tells fairy tales, and it sang to him, "Kwee-wit! Kwee-wit!" And that is how we got this story.

此时无论如何她都喜欢他当自己的丈夫,他比起癞虾蟆的儿子和那只穿大黑天鹅绒袍子的钱鼠完全不同! 因此她对这位她喜欢的王子说:「我愿意。」这时,每一朵花里走出一位女孩或男孩来,他们是那么可爱,即使是只看他们一眼也是幸福的。 他们每人送了拇指姑娘一件礼物,而其中最好的礼物是从一只大白蝇身上摘下的一对翅膀。他们把这对翅膀安放在拇指姑娘背上,这样,她就可以穿梭在花儿之间。 为此大家都兴高采烈起来,燕子坐在自己的巢里,为他们唱出最动听的歌曲。然而他心里感到有些凄凉,因为他是那么喜欢拇指姑娘,真希望永远不要和她分开。
「再见!再见!」小燕子说。不久,他又从温暖的国度飞走了,飞回到很远很远的丹麦。 在那里,他在一个会写童话的人的窗子上筑了一个小巢,对这个人唱着:「滴哩!滴哩!」 而我们这个故事,就是从他那儿听来的。
