

Lemon and orange trees grew in the garden, and in front of the gate stood tall palm-trees. The sea formed a little creek here, it was quite calm but very deep, right up to the cliff where the sea had washed up the fine white sand; thither she swam with the handsome Prince and laid him on the sand, taking great care that his head should l
ie higher than his body in the warm sunshine.
And now the bells in the large white building started ringing, and a number of girls came walking through the garden. The little mermaid swam farther ou
t behind some lofty rocks which rose out of the water, covering her hair and breast with sea-foam that no one could see her face. There she watched to see who would come to the poor Prince.
It was n
ot long before a young girl came that way; she was quite frightened when she saw him, but only for a moment. Then she brought a number of people, and the mermaid saw that the Prince came to life again, and smiled on those around him. But he did not send a smile to her, for of course he did not know that she had saved him. She felt so grieved that when he was carried away into the large building she dived down under the water full of sorrow and sought h
er father's palace.
She had always been silent and thoughtful, but after this she became still more so. Her sisters asked her what she had seen when she went above for the first time, but she would
tell them nothing.

那儿的花园里生长着一些柠檬和橘子树,门前竖着高耸的棕榈。 海在这儿形成一个小湾;海水非常的平静,却非常的深沉,而从这儿一直到那里的悬崖堆积了许多白沙。她托着这位俊俏的王子向那儿游去。她把他放在沙滩上,非常细心地把他的头高高地搁在温暖的阳光里。
那幢雄伟的白色建筑物响起了钟声,有许多年轻女子穿过花园走出来。 小美人鱼远远地向海里游去,躲在海面上的几座大岩石后面。她用许多海水的泡沫遮掩自己的头发和胸脯,不让人瞧见她小小的脸蛋。 她在那儿凝视着,看有谁会来到这个可怜王子的身旁。
过了一会儿,一名年轻女孩走过来了。当她看见他似乎非常的惊讶。 很快地,她找了许多人来。小美人鱼看到王子逐渐地清醒过来了,并且向周围的人露出笑容。 可是他没有对她微笑;当然,他一点也不知道救他的人就是她。 她感到非常地难过。当他被抬进那幢高大的房子时,她伤心地跳进大海里,回到父亲的宫殿里去。
她一直就是一个沉默的孩子,现在更是变本加厉了。 姊姊们都问她,第一次浮到海面去究竟看到了些什么东西?但是她什么也没有说出来。
