


  本单元将介绍如何使用 worksheets 练习以及如何快速高效地制作自己的 worksheets 练习。可以和你的同事合作, 建立一个 worksheets 练习库,这样大家就可以共享资源了。
What are worksheets?

Worksheets can be a great help to the teacher in organising oral activities in pairs and small groups, and also for simple reading and writing tasks. A worksheet is an exercise on a sheet of paper which can be given out to a class and collected in again at the end of the lesson so they can be used again. The paper can be stuck onto pieces of card so that they last longer and can be stored easily.


Remember you don't need to follow your textbook slavishly. If you think it is necessary, supplement with a worksheet. Worksheets will allow you to create exercises for your class that you think will be useful. They also allow you to adapt exercises in your textbook to better suit the needs of your class.

Think about the textbook you use. Does it provide enough of each of the activities below?
Controlled oral practice
Free oral practice
Grammar exercises
Vocabulary development

If you feel your textbook doesn't give enough practice in any of these areas, think about what kinds of worksheets you could make to supplement your textbook.

Now go on the to next page to read about some of my favourite worksheet ideas.
organise (v.) 组织
stick (v.) 粘贴
slavishly (adv.) 盲从地
supplement (n.) 补充
adapt (v.) 改编
suit (v.) (使)适应

