

When using our own language outside the classroom, we speak because we really want to or need to. Many students may be reluctant to speak a foreign language, so it is important to make them feel compelled to communicate with you and their classmates in English. Give students interesting and stimulating tasks so that they are using English in a situation that they enjoy.

Try the gapfill activity about speaking English in class. Then download the text of ideas for speaking activities for your files. Don't miss these other links about speaking in class:
Speaking in Class
Speaking Activities
  Ideas forspeaking activities

reluctant (adj.) 勉强的,不愿意的
compelled (adj.) 必须要做的
stimulating (adj.) 能激发兴趣的
files (n.) 文件,档案,文件夹
monitor (v.) 监督
to deal with (v.) 解决
combine (v.) 结合
to go hand in hand 一起发展

