

  从本期开始,我们将介绍几种不同的讲解语言点的方法,本期是P.P.P. 和T.T.T.。

  PPP(presentation, practice and production)和TTT(Test, Teach, Test)是两种不同的教学方法,下面我们来看看他们究竟有什么不同,并想一想他们又分别适合哪种水平的学习者。
Presentational Approaches 1

P.P.P. and T.T.T.
P.P.P. (Presentation, Practice and Production) and T.T.T. (Test, Teach, Test)

In PPP (presentation, practice and production), you present a language point, students do some controlled practice of the language and then they are given a freer speaking task to do where they can produce the language you have presented and practiced if they wish.

TTT (test, teach, test) is similar, but you test the students on their knowledge and ability to use the language you want to teach first, see where the hole in their language is and then do the stages in PPP.
Look at these two methods of teaching the above vocabulary.
Think about the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods and which would be suitable for higher or lower levels.

