

  从本期开始,我们将介绍几种不同的讲解语言点的方法,本期是 Different Lesson Formats。

Presentational Approaches 2

Different Lesson Formats

PPP- The Standard Model of Oral Presentation of a new grammatical Structure or Function.

1.Lead in to situation

2.Presentation of meaning and form with a marker sentence

3.Controlled Oral Practice

4.Written stage

5.Semi-controlled or free practice

Test Teach Test

This is like learning to swim by jumping into the deep end of the swimming pool!

1.Students have task

2.If they have problems a formal presentation

3.If students have no problems a semi-controlled or free practice activity or this activity follows stage 2

The Guided Discovery Model of Presentation

1.Students see examples of grammatical or functional point in text or sentence

2. Students analyse and work out the rules of form and use in
pairs or groups

3. Teacher conducts whole class feedback on group discussion and corrects or explains where necessary

3. Students do controlled or freer oral and written practice

The advantage of T-T-T is that it is faster with known vocabulary as the teacher doesn't have to go through the whole business of eliciting. However you can't do T-T-T with lower levels as they don't know anything.

The guided discovery or deductive model of presentation is the method used in British schools or certainly is the one that used to be. By giving lots of examples the student discovers the rule and how to use it. Through a reading or a listening presentation the text is used to draw out the grammar.

N.B. Test Teach Test is usually written T-T-T so not as to be confused with Teacher Talking Time T.T.T.

