

  卡片是教师们最经常使用的教学工具之一。 在课堂上可以使用多各种各样的卡片,有图案卡片,有模板卡片。建议用硬纸板或比较厚的纸制作卡片,因为这样就可以反复使用这些卡片。
  Before you begin, take a moment to answer this question. Can you think of four uses for picture cards in the classroom? Click here for our answer.

There are many reasons why picture cards and template cards are a valuableresource in the EFL classroom. Can you fill in the missing information in these sentences?


Picture cards and template cards are great tools for kinesthetic memory activities. Younger children can learn and recall more vocabulary if a word is associated with a movement. For example, it is a good idea to have a set of common verbs pictoriallydepicted on cards large enough for the entire class to see. For example, drink, see, write, run, or sleep. A movement can be decided by the teacher or negotiated by the class that will represent that word. After the word has been taught, practiced and learnt along with the movement, the students should be able to produce the word from either the picture or the movement. This is a great way of helping the students to remember the word.
  Here are a couple of fun memory games with cards that you can play to help your students with theirvocabulary recall skills.
associate (v.) 把···联系起来
valuable (adj.) 有价值的
kinesthetic (adj.) 肌肉运动知觉的
recall (v.) 回忆
pictorially (adv.) 有图案示意地
depict (v.) 描绘
negotiate (v.) 商议
represent (v.) 代表

