Activity 2 Picture dictation Tell the children to get their coloured pens out. They need to get out the following colours: red, yellow, green, blue, white, brown, black, grey Get some coloured pens out. You need a red one, a yellow one, a green one, a blue one, a white one, a black one and a grey one. Ask them to hold up the pens when you say the colour so you can check that they all have the right ones. Listen to me. I will say a colour and you must hold up that colour pen. Next, give out the Christmas tree worksheet. Tell the children that they must colour in the decorations on the Christmas tree in the colours you tell them. You must colour the decorations with the colour I tell you. Let's do the first one together. Colour bauble number 1 blue OK check each other's Christmas trees. Is bauble number 1 blue? Good. Let's do the others. Colour bauble number 2 green, etc. etc. |