
Then shook and threw the fateful dice

Wherewith all matters here below

Are ordered, and observed the throw;

Then bent His head in awful state,

Confirming the decree of Fate.

From every part of earth anew

The conscious dust consenting flew,

While rivers from their courses rolled

To make it plastic for the mould.

Enough collected (but no more,

For niggard Nature hoards her store)

He kneaded it to flexible clay,

While Nick unseen threw some away.

And then the various forms He cast,

Gross organs first and finer last;

No one at once evolved, but all

By even touches grew and small

Degrees advanced, till, shade by shade,

To match all living things He'd made

Females, complete in all their parts

Except (His clay gave out) the hearts.

"No matter," Satan cried; "with speed

I'll fetch the very hearts they need" --

So flew away and soon brought back

The number needed, in a sack.

That night earth range with sounds of strife --

Ten million males each had a wife;

That night sweet Peace her pinions spread

O'er Hell -- ten million devils dead!


FIB, n. A lie that has not cut its teeth. An habitual liar's nearest

approach to truth: the perigee of his eccentric orbit.

When David said: "All men are liars," Dave,

Himself a liar, fibbed like any thief.

Perhaps he thought to weaken disbelief

By proof that even himself was not a slave

To Truth; though I suspect the aged knave

Had been of all her servitors the chief

Had he but known a fig's reluctant leaf

Is more than e'er she wore on land or wave.

No, David served not Naked Truth when he

Struck that sledge-hammer blow at all his race;

Nor did he hit the nail upon the head:

For reason shows that it could never be,

And the facts contradict him to his face.

Men are not liars all, for some are dead.

Bartle Quinker

FICKLENESS, n. The iterated satiety of an enterprising affection.

FIDDLE, n. An instrument to tickle human ears by friction of a

horse's tail on the entrails of a cat.

To Rome said Nero: "If to smoke you turn

I shall not cease to fiddle while you burn."

To Nero Rome replied: "Pray do your worst,

'Tis my excuse that you were fiddling first."

Orm Pludge

FIDELITY, n. A virtuepeculiar to those who are about to be betrayed.

FINANCE, n. The art or science of managing revenues and resources for

the best advantage of the manager. The pronunciation of this word

with the i long and the accent on the first syllable is one of

America's most precious discoveries and possessions.

FLAG, n. A colored rag borne above troops and hoisted on forts and

ships. It appears to serve the same purpose as certain signs that one

sees and vacant lots in London -- "Rubbish may be shot here."

FLESH, n. The Second Person of the secular Trinity.

FLOP, v. Suddenly to change one's opinions and go over to another

party. The most notable flop on record was that of Saul of Tarsus,

who has been severely criticised as a turn-coat by some of our

partisan journals.

FLY-SPECK, n. The prototype of punctuation. It is observed by

Garvinus that the systems of punctuation in use by the various

literary nations depended originally upon the social habits and

general diet of the flies infesting the several countries. These

