

less(9段2行); Grammar point: Attributive Clause定语从句
该从句我们在前面已分几讲介绍给大家了,因此今天不再重复。自己将笔记仔细复习一下。这个语法很重要,因此每一点都要搞清楚,不要摸棱两可。今天讲解练习。p481:Ⅱ.1.b; 2.c; 3.a; 4.b; 5.c; 6.a; 7.c; 8.d; 9.b; 10.d
Ⅲ.1.That was the first movie (that) I had ever seen.2.She lives in village, where it's neither very cold in winter nor very hot in
summer.3.Let us study more closely the ways in which a plant grows.
4.We shall never forget the day when Hong Kong returned to China.5.There were only four areas in the world where many diamonds have been found.
6.Those who have no bikes can go to the summer palace by bus.7.Is there any student in our class whose father works in an insurance company?
8.I know the reason why she's very angry.9.She wears the same clothes as her mother does.
10.Commercial advertising is one of the things we have to put up with when we watch TV.
5.现在已经有许多关于这种病的起因的解释。1. Heart attacks may directly endanger a victim's life.
2. He suffers from headaches these days.3. As yet, possibilities of an earthquake can't be ruled out.
4. The floor is too thin to bear the weight of the machine.5. Now there are already a lot of explanations as to the causes of the kind of
disease. 选择:
1. The artist ____ an interesting picture by putting the variously-colored shapes together.
consulted committed consisted composed 2. Some drunken men made a great ___ in the street last night.
disturbance coincidenceresistance influence 3. His behavior is ___. No one knows what has happened to him.
Authoritative extraordinarycharacteristicprofessional 4. We must ____ the people to the dangers facing our country.
Awaken avoid adapt adopt 5. Even the doctors were surprised at the ___ improvement in his condition.
Rational diverse derivative dramatic 
  The 23rd lecture of College English one:
Key to some exercises of unit 17: p491:Ⅰ.d, a, b, c, b.
Ⅱ.1.panic; 2.diagnose; 3.approximate; 4.currently; 5.symptoms; 6.remarkable; 7.shortness; 8.evidence; 9.multiplicity; 10.confirm
p493:Ⅴ.1. panic attacks may last for few minutes or even several hours. 3. Age, sex and the multiplicity of symptoms are the three signs to distinguish
a panic attack from heart attack. p495:Ⅱ.1.kitchen; 2.mention; 3.claims; 4.confirm; 5.symptom; 6.disgnosed;
7.morever; 8.endangered; 9.drugs; 10.victims Ⅲ.4. Some bad habits can endanger a person's health.
5. It's very necessary for some patients to seek psychological help. 8. The news that the agreement was signed hasn't been confirmed.
9. Endless disputes eventually disrupted plan. 10. The author's name was mentioned several times in this article.
Unit 18 Text A: Why Are Maps Drawn with North at the Top? We know that north is at the top of each map. But do you know how is it formed?
The oldest known map was drawn about 3800BC. The Greek mathematician and philosopher ptolemy was the first to draw a map with North at the top. In the
early Middle Age, the church began to interfereseriously and east was moved to the top of the maps.
And later with the spread of trade and advances in navigation, more accurate maps appeared in the 14th century and North assumed at the top of maps.
A. New words: 1.feature: n/v 特色、以...为特征,featureless: adj无特色的, feature in sth起重要作用。
a. He can recall her features very clearly. b. This is a magazine that features children's stories.
c. They all feature in the decision-making. 2.rough: adj rough hands粗糙的手, rough sport剧烈的运动, rough sketch草图, rough
calculation粗略计算 3.localize: v使局部化,local: adj, location: n位置(*)
a. There is little hope of localizing the disease. b. The local government plans to set up another power plan.
c. This is a good location for wildlife preservation. 4.philosopher: n哲学家;philosophy: n哲学;philosophical: adj哲学的(*)
a. plato was a great Greek philosopher. b. He read a lot of philosophical works when he was a college student.
c. My philosophy of life is "serving the vast majority of the people." 5.popularly: adv通俗地,普遍地,popular: adj; popularize: v使...普及;popularity: n(*)
a. He enjoyed great popularity with young audience. b. His name is Robert, but he is popularly known as bob.
c. Books of this kind are popular among advanced readers. 6.attempt: n/v试图,企图
a. He failed in his first attempt. b. I attempted to speak but was told to keep quiet.
7.reference: n参考,提及;refer: v 8.navigational: adj航行的;navigate: v航行;navigation: n; navigator: n
9.calculate: v计算; calculation: n;calculator:计算器;calculating: adj狡猾的 a. The population of the city was calculated about one million.
b. The new club is calculated to hold 2000 people. 10.unaware: adj未察觉的,反义词:aware + of sth; awareness; unawareness(*)
a. I was too sleepy to be aware of how dangerous the situation was. b. They didn't make any preparation, because they were unaware that a war was
near. c. It seems he has no awareness of the sharp division of opinion.
11.immovable: adj不可移动的;movable: adj; move: v移动;(*) a. The artificialsatellite moves round the earth.
b. The toy soldier with movable arms and legs can be made to walk. c. You can't have a party in the classroom, because the desks and chairs are
immovable. 12.voyager: n航海者;voyage: n/v航海
13.arrangement: n安排;arrange: v 13.interfere: v 干涉、介入,interfere in/with sth; interference: n
14.accordance: n一致,符合;accord: v, accord with sth与...一致, 短语:in accordance with sth = according to sth
15.reliance: n信赖、信任;rely: v; reliable: adj可信任的,unreliable 16.rightful: adj合法的;right: n权利
B.Important sentences in the text: 1. It's hard to visualize a map that does not feature north at the top, but this
was not always so. 译:很难想象一幅地图没有把北方设在上端,但是这种绘制地图的方式并非一直这样。
基本句型:it's hard to do sth; 动词feature; was 表示曾经。 2. The oldest known map in the accepted sense of the word was drawn about
3800BC, and represents the river Euphrates flowing through northern Mesopotamia, Iraq.
译:被世人所接受的地图中,最古老的一幅绘制于公元前3800,它绘出了幼发拉底河流经伊拉克的美所不达米亚平原。 注意几个动词形式:known, accepted, was drawn, represents, flowing. In the accepted sense
of the word:被世人所公认,承认。 3. It was not until many centuries later that the ancient Greeks placed the
science of map-making on a sound footing.(*) 译:直到几个世纪后,古希腊人才在坚实可信的基础上建立起地图绘制学。
本句基本句型强调句:it's ...that; not until many centuries later是时间状语;主句:The ancient Greeks placed the science of map-making on a sound footing.
如果不是强调句,当把not until放在句首,句子需要倒装。 Not until many centuries later did the Greeks place the science of map-making on
a sound footing. 4. Given the state of knowledge of those times, he got things wrong.
译:鉴于那个时代的知识水平的局限,在绘制地图时他犯了一些错误。 Given是介词,鉴于,考虑到
5. More accurate maps began to appear in the 14th century, with the spread of trade and increasing reliance on the compass.
译:随着贸易的传播和指南针的帮助,14世纪开始出现较为精确的地图。 With随着...; reliance on sth
C. Summary about the phrases: 1.flow through(2段2行); 2.not until(2段5行); 3.be known to(3段3行); 4.be based
on(3段4行); 5.rather than(3段5行); 6.attempt to do(3段6行); 7.in the form of(3段7行); 8.far from being(4段3行); 9.place trust in sth(5段4行); 10.interfere with(6段2行);
11.in accordance with(6段3行); 12.point of view(7段4行); 13.reliance on sth(8段2行); 14.once again(8段2行)
Text B: You Have a ChoiceEinstein's Relativity: all motion is just relative, not absolute.
A. New words: 1.converse: adj相反的
2.motionless: adj静止的,immovable, movable 3.frustrate: v使受挫折;frustration: n; frustrated, frustrating: adj
4.devise: v设计;device: n B. Some important the phrases:
1.side by side; at the same speed;(1段1行)

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