

Nor do they dare a combat hand to hand;

But as the winds may suffer, from afar
They draw their bows at venture. Brave men love

The sword which, wielded by a stalwart arm,
Drives home the blow and makes the battle sure.

Not such their weapons; and the first assault
Shall force the flying Mede with coward hand

And empty quiver from the field. His faith
In poisoned blades is placed; but trustest thou

Those who without such aid refuse the war?
For such alliance wilt thou risk a death,

With all the world between thee and thy home?
Shall some barbarian earth or lowly grave

Enclose thee perishing? E'en that were shame
While Crassus seeks a sepulchre in vain.

Thy lot is happy; death, unfeared by men,
Is thy worst doom, Pompeius; but no death

Awaits Cornelia -- such a fate for her
This king shall not reserve; for know not we

The hateful secrets of barbarian love,
Which, blind as that of beasts, the marriage bed

Pollutes with wives unnumbered? Nor the laws
By nature made respect they, nor of kin.

In ancient days the fable of the crime
By tyrant Oedipus unwitting wrought,

Brought hate upon his city; but how oft
Sits on the throne of Arsaces a prince

Of birth incestuous? This gracious dame
Born of Metellus, noblest blood of Rome,

Shall share the couch of the barbarian king
With thousand others: yet in savage joy,

Proud of her former husbands, he may grant
Some larger share of favour; and the fates

May seem to smile on Parthia; for the spouse
Of Crassus, captive, shall to him be brought

As spoil of former conquest. If the wound
Dealt in that fell defeat in eastern lands

Still stirs thy heart, then double is the shame
First to have waged the war upon ourselves,

Then ask the foe for succour. For what blame
Can rest on thee or Caesar, worse than this

That in the clash of conflict ye forgot
For Crassus' slaughtered troops the vengeance due?

First should united Rome upon the Mede
Have poured her captains, and the troops who guard

The northern frontier from the Dacian hordes;
And all her legions should have left the Rhine

Free to the Teuton, till the Parthian dead
Were piled in heaps upon the sands that hide

Our heroes slain; and haughty Babylon
Lay at her victor's feet. To this foul peace

We pray an end; and if Thessalia's day
Has closed our warfare, let the conqueror march

Straight on our Parthian foe. Then should this heart,
Then only, leap at Caesar's triumph won.

Go thou and pass Araxes' chillystream
On this thine errand; and the fleeting ghost

Pierced by the Scythian shaft shall greet thee thus:
`Art thou not he to whom our wandering shades

Looked for their vengeance in the guise of war?
And dost thou sue for peace?' There shalt thou meet

Memorials of the dead. Red is yon wall
Where passed their headless trunks: Euphrates here

Engulfed them slain, or Tigris' winding stream
Cast on the shore to perish. Gaze on this,

And thou canst supplicate at Caesar's feet
In mid Thessalia seated. Nay, thy glance

Turn on the Roman world, and if thou fear'st
King Juba faithless and the southern realms,

Then seek we Pharos. Egypt on the west
Girt by the trackless Syrtes forces back

By sevenfold stream the ocean; rich in glebe
And gold and merchandise; and proud of Nile

Asks for no rain from heaven. Now holds this boy
Her sceptre, owed to thee; his guardian thou:

And who shall fear this shadow of a name?
Hope not from monarchs old, whose shame is fled,

Or laws or troth or honour of the gods:
New kings bring mildest sway." (14)

His words prevailed
Upon his hearers. With what freedom speaks,

When states are trembling, patriot despair!
Pompeius' voice was quelled.

They hoist their sails
For Cyprus shaped, whose altars more than all

The goddess loves who from the Paphian wave
Sprang, mindful of her birth, if such be truth,

And gods have origin. Past the craggy isle
Pompeius sailing, left at length astern

Its southern cape, and struck across the main
With winds transverse and tides; nor reached the mount

Grateful to sailors for its nightly gleam:
But to the bounds of Egypt hardly won

With battling canvas, where divided Nile
Pours through the shallows his Pelusian stream. (15)

Now was the season when the heavenly scale
Most nearly balances the varying hours,

Once only equal; for the wintry day
Repays to night her losses of the spring;

And Magnus learning that th' Egyptian king
Lay by Mount Casius, ere the sun was set

Or flagged his canvas, thither steered his ship.
Already had a horseman from the shore

In rapid gallop to the trembling court
Brought news their guest was come. Short was the time

For counsel given; but in haste were met
All who advised the base Pellaean king,

Monsters, inhuman; there Achoreus sat
Less harsh in failing years, in Memphis born

Of empty rites, and guardian of the rise (16)
Of fertilising Nile. While he was priest

Not only once had Apis (17) lived the space
Marked by the crescent on his sacred brow.

First was his voice, for Magnus raised and troth
And for the pledges of the king deceased:

But, skilled in counsel meet for shameless minds
And tyrant hearts, Pothinus, dared to claim

Judgment of death on Magnus. "Laws and right
Make many guilty, Ptolemmus king.

And faith thus lauded (18) brings its punishment
When it supports the fallen. To the fates

Yield thee, and to the gods; the wretched shun
But seek the happy. As the stars from earth

Differ, and fire from ocean, so from right
Expedience. (19) The tyrant's shorn of strength

Who ponders justice; and regard for right
Bring's ruin on a throne. For lawless power

The best defence is crime, and cruel deeds
Find safety but in doing. He that aims

At piety must flee the regal hall;
Virtue's the bane of rule; he lives in dread

Who shrinks from cruelty. Nor let this chief
Unpunished scorn thy youth, who thinks that thou

Not even the conquered from our shore can'st bar.
Nor to a stranger, if thou would'st not reign,

Resign thy sceptre, for the ties of blood
Speak for thy banished sister. Let her rule

O'er Nile and Pharos: we shall at the least
Preserve our Egypt from the Latian arms.

What Magnus owned not ere the war was done,
No more shall Caesar. Driven from all the world,

Trusting no more to Fortune, now he seeks
Some foreign nation which may share his fate.

Shades of the slaughtered in the civil war
Compel him: nor from Caesar's arms alone

But from the Senate also does he fly,
Whose blood outpoured has gorged Thessalian fowl;

Monarchs he fears whose all he hath destroyed,
And nations piled in one ensanguined heap,

By him deserted. Victim of the blow
Thessalia dealt, refused in every land,

He asks for help from ours not yet betrayed.
But none than Egypt with this chief from Rome

Has juster quarrel; who has sought with arms
To stain our Pharos, distant from the strife

And peaceful ever, and to make our realm
Suspected by his victor. Why alone

Should this our country please thee in thy fall?
Why bringst thou here the burden of thy fates,

Pharsalia's curse? In Caesar's eyes long since
We have offence which by the sword alone

Can find its condonation, in that we
By thy persuasion from the Senate gained

This our dominion. By our prayers we helped
If not by arms thy cause. This sword, which fate

Bids us make ready, not for thee I hold
Prepared, but for the vanquished; and on thee

(Would it had been on Caesar) falls the stroke;
For we are borne. as all things, to his side.

And dost thou doubt, since thou art in my power,
Thou art my victim? By what trust in us

Cam'st thou, unhappy? Scarce our people tills
The fields, though softened by the refluent Nile:

Know well our strength, and know we can no more.
Rome 'neath the ruin of Pompeius lies:

Shalt thou, king, uphold him? Shalt thou dare
To stir Pharsalia's ashes and to call

War to thy kingdom? Ere the fight was fought
We joined not either army -- shall we now

Make Magnus friend whom all the world deserts?
And fling a challenge to the conquering chief

And all his proud successes? Fair is help
Lent in disaster, yet reserved for those

Whom fortune favours. Faith her friends selects
Not from the wretched."

They decree the crime:
Proud is the boyishtyrant that so soon

His slaves permit him to so great a deed
To give his favouring voice; and for the work

They choose Achillas.
Where the treacherous shore

Runs out in sand below the Casian mount
And where the shallow waters of the sea

Attest the Syrtes near, in little boat
Achillas and his partners in the crime

With swords embark. Ye gods! and shall the Nile
And barbarous Memphis and th' effeminate crew

That throngs Pelusian Canopus raise
Its thoughts to such an enterprise? Do thus

Our fates press on the world? Is Rome thus fallen
That in our civil frays the Phaxian sword

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