Original Airdate on ABC: 24-OCT-2004
Written by Tom Spezialy & Marc Cherry.
Mary Alice Voiceover: Previously on Desperate Housewives-
[INT-Britt House -Living Room -Night]
(Shots of Susan sneaking into Edie's house, carrying a measuring jug. She sits down on the sofa and is distraught,
seeing the romantic
setting with all the candles. She throws the bra she picked up over her shoulder. It catches fire, which spreads to the curtains and much further. We see Susan run out, running past the now forgotten measuring jug on the floor.)
Mary Alice Voiceover: Susan played with fire-
[EXT -Wisteria Lane -Night]
(shots of Edie's house in flames, sirens are going off and firemen are
trying to put out the blaze)
[EXT -Britt House -Day]
(Edie and Mrs Huber go through the wreckage of the house looking to see if anything can be salvaged. Mrs Huber holds up the charred measuring jug)
Edie: That's not my cup.
(Mrs Huber's brain kicks into gear and she gets a look on her face as if she's got a plan)
Mary Alice Voiceover: And could get burned.
[INT -Solis House-Living Room -Day]
Carlos: Go to a spa, go shopping. Find a way to relax.
(Gabrielle gets a wicked little look on her face, as if she knows exactly what she's going to do)
[INT (split screen shot) -Solis House and John's apartment-Day]
Gabrielle (to John on the phone): Just get here as fast as you can
Mary Alice Voiceover: Gabrielle found herself a playmate.
(shots of Gabrielle and John kissing, he's not wearing a top)
[EXT -Scavo Car -Day]
(Lynette is driving while the kids are jumping up and down and screaming in the back seat. She hangs her head as if she's given up
trying to control the boys)
Mary Alice voiceover: Whilst Lynette couldn't get her kids to stop playing.
(Lynette sees a policeman on a motorbike in her rear view mirror)
Policeman: Ma'am do you know why I pulled you over?
(shots of the boys pulling faces at the policeman through the window)
Lynette: I have a theory.
[INT-Van Der Kamp House -Living Room - Night]
(shots of Rex
trying to sleep on the sofa-bed)
[INT-Van Derk Kamp House -Living Room -Day]
Rex: If I don't start getting any sleep soon I'll be forced to move back
upstairs out of sheer exhaustion.
(Bree is alone in the living room, she has a pair of pliers in her hands)
Mary Alice Voiceover: And Bree played hardball.
(Bree pulls back the
mattress of the sofa-bed and used the pliers to cut the wire frame. She bends the spokes
upwards, presses her finger against one to test how sharp it is and puts the
mattress back)
Mary Alice Voiceover: Everyone has a little dirty
End of Recap
[INT-Scavo House -Living room -Day]
(shots of a very messy house. The shot pans over children's toys)
Mary Alice Voiceover: When I was alive I maintained many different identities.
(shot pans over a coffee table filled with magazines on a range of different topics. One of which is a newspaper "the national informer", which has a front page with a picture of Mary Alice and the
headline inside: the
suburbansuicide mom.)
Mary Alice Voiceover: Lover, wife and
ultimately victim.
(we see Lynette bending down to pick up some of the mess, at
tempting to tidy up)
Mary Alice Voiceover: Yes, labels are important to the living, they
dictate how people see themselves, like my friend Lynette. She used to see herself as a career woman, and a hugely successful one at that.
switches to-)
[INT-Scavo House -Kitchen - Day]
(shot of one of the twins passing Lynette a bottle. She yawns, brushes her hair back and starts to feed the baby)
Mary Alice Voiceover: She was known for her power lunches.
switches to-)
[INT -Scavo House -Kitchen-Day]
(Lynette attaches another of the kids
drawings to the fridge and slaps a
magnet on top to hold it in place)
Mary Alice Voiceover: Her eye catching presentations.
switches to-)
[INT -Scavo House-Living Room-Day]
(Lynette sprays cleaning products on the dirty windows and wipes them clean. She looks
incredibly fed up)
Mary Alice Voiceover: And her ruthlessness at wiping out the competition.
switches to-)
[INT-Scavo House-Kitchen-Day]
(Lynette is washing the dishes)
Mary Alice Voiceover: But Lynette gave up all that to assume a new label.
(The phone rings)
Mary Alice Voiceover: The
incredibly satisfying role of full time mother.
(Lynette wipes her hands and answers the phone)
Lynette (on the phone): Scavo residence, this is me.(her face drops and she sighs as she listens to what the person on the other end of the phone is
[EXT-The Boys-School-Day]
(Lynette is walking towards the boy's classroom)
Mary Alice Voiceover: But
unfortunately for Lynette this new label frequently fell short of what was advertised.
(She stops when she sees the twins sat outside their classroom. When they see their mom they both give a wave at her, which reveals blue paint on their hands)
[INT-The Boys-Classroom -Day]
(Lynette enters, looks at the art supplies
cupboard and looks perplexed)
Lynette: How in the world did they?
Teacher: I left the door to the art supply
cupboard open for five minutes, that's all. Five minutes.
Lynette: Well, the little girl.
(Lynette sits down opposite the teacher on one of the children's small chairs)
Lynette: Why didn't she say anything?
Teacher: Your boys work quickly.
Lynette: Well, obviously they will be punished for this. Severely.
Teacher: I hesitate in brining this up ,
seeing as you got so ugly about it the last time.
Lynette: They don't have attention-deficit
disorder, and I'm not going to drug my boys just to make your job easier. I'd rather change teachers.
Teacher: The boys are in my class because I'm the only teacher that can handle them
Lynette: What if we separate the twins? Put them in different classes? They're much calmer when
they're not bouncing off one another.
Teacher: We can try that. But if it doesn't work , we may no longer be able to
accommodate them.
(Lynette is resigned to that fact and nods slightly. She leaves and collects the boys from outside the classroom. They all head off)
Mary Alice Voiceover: It suddenly occurred to Lynette that her label was about to change again. And that for the next few years she would be known as the mother of the boys who painted Tiffany Astelrod blue.
(they walk past another mother and little girl, who she protectively moves behind her as the Scavos walk past. Because this is the girl that is covered from head to foot in blue paint, Lynette looks shocked, she can't believe what her boys did!!)
Opening Credits
[EXT-Wisteria Lane -Outside Solis House-Day]
(opening shots of the street, focusing in on a tape player. It pulls back out to show Gabrielle, Bree, Lynette and Susan sat outside about to
switch on the tape player)
Mary Alice Voiceover: It looked to be an interesting afternoon on wisteria lane. A mysterious cassette tape had been discovered by my friend Bree. She had stolen it from her marriage counsellor, a counsellor I had once spoken to in
strictest confidence.
Counsellor (on the tape): So how have you been?
Mary Alice (on the tape): I had the
nightmare again.
Gabrielle: It's so weird to hear Mary Alice.
Counsellor (on the tape): Still the same one?
Mary Alice (on the tape): Yes. But this time I was standing in a river and I saw the girl under the water and she kept screaming "Angela" over and over again.
Counsellor (on the tape): So what do you think the
significance of the name "Angela" is?
Mary Alice (on the tape): Actually, it's my real name.
Gabrielle: (really shocked) Her real name?
(Bree nods)
Gabrielle: That doesn't make any sense. I've seen her driver's licence , it does not say Angela.
Susan: Bree, what does it say on the rest of the tape?
Bree: Just some more about her
nightmares and this girl she was afraid of.
Gabrielle: So what the hell do we do now?
(shots of the women sitting and thinking. Susan looks up across the street at Paul watering his garden. The rest of the women turn and look too. Paul waves at them, and they all give nervous waves back.)
Susan: I think we should show Paul the note.
Lynette: Are you sure? He's gonna freak.
Bree: Well, it's now or never. I saw what he's asking for the place it's going to sell really quickly.
(Gabrielle gets up and stares at Paul- feeling
Gabrielle: Can I say something? I'm glad Paul's moving.
Bree: (can't believe her friend would say such a thing) Gabby!!
Gabrielle: I'm sorry, he's just always given me the creeps. Haven't you guys notices that he's got this "dark thing" going on? There's something about him that just feels-(Searches for the word)
Lynette: Malignant?
Gabrielle: Yes!
Susan: We've all sort of felt it.
(more shots of Paul working on the garden)
Bree: That being said, I do love what he've done with that lawn.
(Lynette, Gabrielle and Susan turn to look at Bree as if she's crazy)
[INT-Mayer House-Kitchen-Day]
(Susan is absentmindedly washing dishes as she stares out the window. She's been scrubbing the same one for quite some time. Julie comes up behind her and cranes her neck to see what her mother is looking at. She sees that its Mike Delfino working in his garden-without a shirt on. Julie laughs at her mother)
Julie: Mom, the dish is clean.
Susan: Huh?
Julie: I still don't understand why you don't just ask him out on an "official date " date.
Susan: I'm
trying a new
strategy. I'm playing hard to get.
Julie: How long do you think you can keep that up?
Susan: Oh, maybe until noon. Then I'm going to have to run over there and beg him to love me .
(Julie laughs at her mother's joke)
Julie: Uh mom? (indecipherable)
(shots of Edie washing her car. There's lots of soap suds and she isn't wearing very much at all)
Susan: You've got to be kidding me! She washed her car yesterday.
(Shots of Edie with her hose, showing off her breasts in her top. Mike definitely notices her. Shots of Susan and Julie watching from the kitchen window. Edie gets a
sponge from one of the
buckets of water and dabs it to her chest to cool down.)
Susan: Oh, no, she did not!
(shot of Mike pausing his raking to watch Edie)
Susan: Well, she's bringing out the big guns.
(shot of Edie squeezing out all the water over the front of her top, and Mike's
appreciative glances)
Julie: You'd better get over there. She's wearing cotton.
(Julie goes to a drawer in the table and takes out a letter)
Susan: What am I supposed to say to Mike, "I saw you half naked so I thought I'd drop by?"
(Julie offers the letter to her mother)
Susan: What's that?
Julie: A piece of Mike's junk mail we got by mistake. I held on to it in case of an
Susan: God bless you!
(Susan kisses Julie's cheek. And heads out the door)
[EXT -Wisteria Lane -Day]
(Susan leaves her house heading for Mike's. She and Edie exchange stinking looks as she goes past.)
Susan: Hi.
Mike: Oh, hey Susan.
Susan: We, uh, got this by mistake. (offers him the letter)
Mike: Thanks. (opens the letter)
Susan: I hope it's not important.
Mike: No, it's just a
promotion from the Realto. They're having a film
Susan: Oh.
(shots of Edie watching Susan and Mike from behind her car)
Susan: Well, I guess I've done my good deed for the day. (tries to make a joke of this -but it doesn't work.)
Mike: Huh.
Susan: So I guess I'll just head back home.(practically begging for an invitation to stay) Bye.
(Susan turns to leave)
Mike: Hey, do you like old movies?
Susan: (turns around really quickly) I love old movies!!
(Edie, upon
hearing this, throws her
sponge into the
bucket "giving up". We see shots of Mike and Susan laughing as Edie storms off into Mrs Huber's house.)
[INT -Mrs Huber- House -Day]
(Mrs Huber is cutting out coupons in the kitchen when Edie storms in and slams the door shut after her.)
Edie: I hate Susan Mayer! Every time I see those big doe eyes of hers, I swear to god I just want to go out and shoot a dear.
(As she vents to Mrs Huber, she takes a beer out of the fridge.
Mrs Huber: What has she done this time?
Edie: She is out there throwing herself at Mike Delfino. Again!
Mrs Huber: Susan likes Mike?
(Mrs Huber is shocked by this information. Edie looks at her like she's an idiot and pops the lid off her beer.)
Edie: Where the hell have you been, Martha? She's been lust ing after him since he moved in.
(Mrs Huber figures out that it was probably Susan who burnt down Edie's house. She looks like she's making a plan)
[EXT -The Scavo Boy- School- Day]
(Lynette comes rushing up to the teacher who is having lunch outside the boys' classroom)
Lynette: Hi, I got your message. What's going on?
Teacher: The boys refused to be separated.
Lynette: They refused? They're six years old. Make them.
Teacher: (sarcastically) Well, school regulations are pretty
strict about me wrestling with the boys. (she had taken a bite of something that didn't agree with her and spat it out into her hand) But if you want to give it a shot?
(Lynette looks at her as if she can't believe that the woman is teaching her sons)
Lynette: Fine.
(stops on her way inside)
Lynette: Oh. which one goes and which one stays?
Teacher: (shrugs) You pick.
(Lynette heads inside. As she opens the door we hear the noise that the boys were making inside. The teacher goes to the doorway and eavesdrops on what is being said inside) There's lots of screaming but I can't quite make out what is said.
(the teacher opens the door, and we see one of the twins is lying on top of a table,
holding on for dear life as his mother tries to pull him off. The other twin is on the floor hugging the table leg,
trying to stop his mother making his brother leave. The teacher smiles at the sight)
[INT-Solis House-Bathroom-Night]
(It's dark in the
bathroom, the only light coming from the many candles in the room. We pan across and see Gabrielle and John in the bath with lots of bubbles)
Gabrielle: I love
taking baths. Especially with you. It's like
taking a vacation from the world.
John: I hated
taking baths when I was a kid. Of course, back then all I had to play with was my rubber ducky.
(Gabrielle thinks this is sweet and they kiss. The doorbell rings)
John: Who's that? (panics) It's Mr Solis. (gets out of the tub-water goes everywhere)
Gabrielle: (not at all worried) Relax! Carlos is at work and he doesn't ring the doorbell.
(Gabrielle gets out and dons a robe. She opens a window to see who it is. There's a purple van outside that says Cliffside Cable)
Gabrielle: It's the cable guy . He's three hours late. (closes the window)
Gabrielle: (Calls out to John, who is
frantically getting dressed in the bedroom) Use the side entrance.
[INT-Solis House -Bedroom- Night]
Mary Alice Voiceover: Gabrielle knew her vacation from the world had ended.
(John grabs his shoes and leaves)
Mary Alice Voiceover: What she didn't know was that John had left behind a souvenir.
(the shot pans down and we see one of John's socks left under the bed)
[INT -Van Der Kamp House -Kitchen-Night]
(Danielle and Andrew enter the house)
Danielle: I'm telling you. Dad didn't come home last night. They had a fight. A bad one.
Andrew: How bad?
Danielle: Like divorce court bad.
(They both look up at the sound of humming from the next room, and see their mother placing and replacing a candle in the middle of the dining table)
Danielle: Listen to her! She always overcompensates when she's worried.
Andrew: If dad moves out and leaves us with her, I'm going to lose my mind.
(Bree opens the sliding doors to the dining room and smiles)
Bree: Dinner is on the table.
Andrew: Mom, where did dad go last night?
Bree: He got a last minute call to speak at a medical conference in Philadelphia. Take your seats.
(Danielle and Andrew enter the dining room and see the feast laid out for them there, it's like Christmas dinner in there!! They're both shocked by what they see)
Danielle: This marriage is so over.
(Andrew can't stand what he sees and walks out the back door)
Bree: Andrew?!
[INT-Solis House -Bathroom -Night]
(Gabrielle blows out the candles in the
Cable Guy: Sorry I'm late. The scheduler overbooked me.
Gabrielle: How long are you going to be?
Cable Guy: Almost done. What is that scent? Is it the sage of citrus? It's amazing.
Gabrielle: Try to hurry. I have stuff to do.
(Gabrielle leaves the room, letting the cable guy get on with what he's doing. He packs up a roll of wire, then turns to another wire coming out of the wall. He pulls at it, but it won't budge. So he braces himself to pull harder, but slips on the water that John split when he got out of the tub. He goes down hard, flat on his back. Gabrielle pokes her head around the corner and gasps at what she sees)
[INT-Solis House -Bathroom - Night]
(we see the cable guy being loaded onto a paramedic's
trolley. He's on a back board, with a neck brace on. A paramedic shines a light in his eyes
whilst Gabrielle looks on, worried. Carlos enters, confused)
Carlos: What is
Gabrielle: The cable guy fell. He hit his head on the tub. He may have a concussion.
Carlos: (
suspicious) It's almost 8.
Gabrielle: He was late.
(The paramedics wheel the cable guy out, Gabrielle follows them,
whilst Carlos looks on,
suspicious. He sniffs and smells the scented candles that Gabrielle had been burning with John earlier, and sees the remaining candles burning. He takes in the full scene around him and is even more
[EXT -Mayer House -Night]
(Mrs Huber is at Susan's door, carrying a pie. Susan opens the door)
Susan: Mrs Huber.
Mrs Huber: Hello Susan. I made you a pie.
Susan: Oh, wow. Why?
Mrs Huber: Do I need a motive to do something nice?
(Susan kind of shrugs, not knowing what to say)
[INT -Mayer House -Night]
(Mrs Huber cuts a slice of the pie)
Mrs Huber: I can't wait for you to try this, it's mincemeat .
Susan: Actually, I just had dinner.
Mrs Huber: That's okay, you can save it for later.
(Mrs Huber licks her finger and laughs)
Susan: What's so funny?
Mrs Huber: I was just thinking of that expression: I'll make mincemeat out of you.
(Susan looks confused)
Mrs Huber: Mincemeat. It used to be an entrap mostly made up of chopped meat. So it was like
saying "I'll chop you up into little bits.
(Susan stares at Mrs Huber like she's nuts. Mrs Huber is still laughing as she goes to the sink to wash her hands.)
Mrs Huber: But that was centuries ago. Today mincemeat is mostly made up of fruit, spices and rum. There's no meat in it, and still people say I'll make mincemeat out of you.
Susan: I don't know that people really say that anymore.
Mrs Huber: I do.
carelessly throws away the towel she was using to dry her hands)
Mrs Huber: So, Susan. How are you?
(opens up Susan's
cookie jar and looks inside)
Susan: I'm fine.
Mrs Huber: Good. You know, I have a
confession to make. I always wish I had been more supportive when Carl left you.
Susan: Oh, you don't have to apologise about Carl. Really, Carl and I are over. I've moved on.
Mrs Huber: Yes, I know. You've moved on to that nice Mike Delfino. He's quite a catch, isn't he? You like him, don't you?
(Mrs Huber winks at Susan. Then goes into her
cupboard to take out a plate.)
Susan: Um, sure. As a friend.
Mrs Huber: Oh, Susan, being coy is a
strategy best employed by virgins at their first dance. For women of our age it's just
annoying. (suddenly all nice again) are you sure you don't want pie?
Susan: No. Thank you.
Mrs Huber: I hope it works out with you and Mike, you've been so desperate to land him.
Susan: WHAT? I am not desperate.
Mrs Huber: Oh, lord! Susan, you burned you love rival 's house down! If that isn't desperate I don't know what is.
(Susan stands there opening and closing her mouth, not knowing what to say)
Susan: Mrs Huber, with all due respect, you're crazy.
(Mrs Huber puts down the fork she was using to eat the pie, reaches into her bag and takes out the charred measuring jug, placing it on the table)
Susan: What's that?
Mrs Huber: (she's thoroughly enjoying this) I think you recognise it. I found it in the ruins of Edie's home.
Susan: Well, that's not-
Mrs Huber: sh, sh, sh. My point is this. I wasn't there for you when Carl left you, but I'm here for you now. As far as I'm
concerned, this is our little secret and no one need ever know. Oh Susan, you have no idea how good it feels to finally be able to help you.
(Susan is shell shocked through all this.)
Mrs Huber: You look so pale. Now I insist you try some of my pie.
(Mrs Huber gets up and
forcibly feeds some of her pie to Susan.)
Mrs Huber: Go on.
(Susan obligingly opens up.)
Mrs Huber: Did I mention it's mincemeat?
(Susan gulps and swallows at the same time.)
[INT -Van Der Kamp House -Andrew's Bedroom -Day]
(Bree knocks on Andrew's bedroom door. It's got a sign on it
saying Keep Out? There's no answer so she tries again.)
Andrew (off screen): What?
Bree: Open the door please.
Andrew (off screen): Hang on.
(Andrew opens his door.)
Andrew: What?
Bree: Can I come in?
Andrew: No.
Bree: Well, I want to talk to you.
Andrew: Then talk.
(Bree folds her arms across her chest.)
Bree: Where were you last night?
Andrew: Brian's.
Bree: I spoke to Brian's mother. Now tell me again where you were last night and this time don't lie to me.
Andrew: Where did you say dad was again? In Philadelphia?
Bree: Andrew, don't change the subject.
Andrew: I'm sorry. I thought the subject was telling lies. I called dad's cell phone and I know he moved out.
Bree: Well, it's just
temporary and-I thought it would upset you, so I was protecting you.
Andrew: Whatever. You lied, so stop pretending like you have some sort of moral authority.
Bree: Andrew, just because I chose not to share my marital problems with you does not give you the right to be rude.
Andrew: How about driving my father away? Do I get to be rude then?
(Andrew closes the door in his mother's face. Bree is left standing there thinking about what he said.)
[INT -Solis House-Bedroom - Day]
(It's morning and Carlos is getting dressed for work. We see Gabrielle in the walk in closet
trying to decide what to wear. He drops his tie clip on the floor and bends down to pick it up. As he looks under the bed he sees the sock that John left behind. He picks it up and looks at it. Gabrielle turns around and sees the sock in Carlos' hand. Her eyes widen in shock and she rushes out the other door to the closet. She goes through the
laundry basket in the
bathroom and pulls out several items. She quickly runs downstairs with them and puts them in the cleaning supplies closet. She's about to head back
upstairs when she is greeted by Carlos at the bottom of the stairs.)
Gabrielle: (nervous) Hi.
Carlos: What's this?
(Carlos holds up the sock)
Gabrielle: (sarcastically) That's a sock.
Carlos: It's a man's sock. I found it under our bed. It's not mine.
Gabrielle: For god's sake, Carlos, it's Yeolin's.
Carlos: Our maid wears size 13 gym socks?
Gabrielle: No, she dusts with them.
(Carlos looks confused, so Gabrielle beckons for him to follow her. She leads him to the cleaning supplies closet)
Gabrielle: See? Socks. She uses them as rags.
(Carlos doesn't look like he quite believes her. But Gabrielle thinks she's dodged a bullet. She closes the doors, leans back against them and sighs)
[INT-Supermarket -Day]
(Susan puts eggs and orange juice on the conveyer belt at the checkout. She picks up a magazine to flick through as she waits to be served. Mrs Huber pulls up behind her, with a full
trolley load of purchases)
Mrs Huber: Susan, hello.
(Mrs Huber is all smiles, but Susan's face drops when she hears her voice.)
Susan: Mrs Huber .(
trying to be nice)
Mrs Huber: Did you and Mike come together? I saw him over in the fresh produce aisle.
Susan: No, like I told you before, we're just friends.
(Mrs Huber puts down the block to separate her goods from Susan's items.)
Susan: By the way, if I didn't make it clear yesterday, I absolutely did not do that thing that you accused me of doing. (Mike comes up behind them.)
Mike: Hey Susan. Hi Mrs Huber.
Mrs Huber: Nice to see you Mike.
Mike (flirting with Susan): Hey, you like Alfred Hitchcock? They're doing a retrospective down at the realto.
(Susan looks at Mrs Huber who is listening to everything that they say. She looks back at her suggestively)
Susan: Um, I'm not really a fan.
Mike: Oh, come on. How can you not like Hitchcock?
Susan: I just, ah, don't.
Mike: (shocked at being knocked down) oh, uh, okay.
(Mike backs up to walk away)
Mike: Well uh, nice to see you. You too, Mrs Huber.
Mrs Huber: You're so silly. Pretending not to like him on my account , really!
Susan: Will you please just drop it?
Mrs Huber: You shouldn't be rude to me, Susan. Your secret is not an easy burden to bare. That insurance company is putting Edie through hell, but still I've said nothing.
Susan: (fed up with Mrs Huber's snide remarks) Well th-
Mrs Huber: And the longer it takes for her to get payment, the longer she'll be staying with me. Eating me out of house and home. Using up my hot water.
Susan: What exactly is it you want from me, Mrs Huber?
(Mrs Huber takes away the block separating their goods, implying she wants Susan to pay for her food)
Check out girl: Are these together?
(Mrs Huber looks challengingly at Susan, as if
tempting her to refuse what she wants)
Susan: (resigned to what she has to do) Ring it up.
(Mrs Huber keeps adding goods to the conveyer belt, all the while smiling
sickly at Susan)
[INT-Scavo House -Kitchen-Day]
(Lynette is pouring Bree a cup of coffee as they talk at the kitchen table.)
Bree: If the school and the paediatrician both think that the twins could stand to be medicated-then what's the problem?
Lynette: I used to run a company with 85 people and now I can't
wrangle three small boys without doping them. Talk about feeling like a failure.
Bree: Lynette, you are a great mother. But let's face it, your kids are (smiles) a challenge.
Lynette: (laughs) Thank you. That's the nicest way you could have said that. you know, the truth is, when they're not making me want to pull my hair out they're really, really sweet. I'm afraid that if I change the bad stuff, I'm going to change the good stuff.
Bree: It's a tough call.
(Lynette nods)
Lynette: Like this mug (It's a strange looking, badly painted green mug), I love this mug. If I medicate them, are they still going to make me a mug like this?
(Lynette brings it to her lips to have a drink and coffee falls out the bottom)
Bree: You know it's leaking.
Lynette: Yeah, I know.
(Susan and Gabrielle enter the house)
Susan: We talked to Paul, told him we need to show him something.
Gabrielle: He's on his way over.
[INT-Scavo House -Kitchen-Later in the Day]
(They're all sitting around the kitchen table)
Susan: So Paul, we noticed that you're selling the house.
Paul: Yes, um, too many
painful memories. I'm sure you understand.