江西简称"赣",因公元733年唐玄宗设江南西道而得省名,省内最大最长的河流——赣江,自南而北纵贯全省,故而江西简称为"赣"。江西省地处中国东南偏中部长江中下游南岸,东邻浙江、福建,南连广东,西靠湖南,北毗湖北、安徽而共接长江。江西为长江三角洲、珠江三角洲和闽南三角洲地区的腹地,与上海、广州、厦门、南京、武汉、长沙、合肥等各重镇、港口的直线距离,大多在六百至七百公里之内。古称江西省为"吴头,楚尾,粤户,闽起",乃"形胜之区"。江西版图轮廓略呈长方形。东西省界明显长于南北,而北之宽又数倍于南,恰如一头昂首直立的海豹。全省南北长约 620公里,东西宽约490 公里。江西全省土地总面积16.69万平方公里, 自古以来就是个农业大省,被称为"鱼米之乡"。
江西山清水碧,景色诱人,名胜古迹遍布全省各地。主要旅游景区:庐山、井冈山、龙虎山、三清山、鄱阳湖区、南昌市和景德镇市。其中,庐山已被联合国作为"世界文化景观"列入世界遗产名录。 庐山、井冈山、三清山的名山峻岭之秀;圭峰、龙宫的险岩幽洞之奇,鄱湖、赣水的湖光川景之美,龙虎、青原、东林的宗教庄严祖庭,滕王阁、八境台的千古名楼,临川、九江的名人故里,都是著名的旅游胜景。井冈山、八一起义纪念馆、红都瑞金等更是独具特色的革命胜迹。现有国家级重点文物保护单位52处,省级旅景区、景点多达2400余处。江西历史悠久,人文荟萃。古代的陶渊明、欧阳修、王安石等以及现代的詹天佑、方志敏、周韬奋等群星灿烂,光耀史册。景德镇的瓷器源远流长,以"白如玉、明如镜、薄如纸、声如磬"的特色闻名中外。樟树的四特酒,被周恩来总理赞誉为"清、香、醇、纯",四特酒由此而得名。遂川狗牯脑茶叶,曾获巴拿马国际食品博览会金奖。南丰蜜桔,历史上是皇室贡品。
Jiangxi is situated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Its neighboring provinces include Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Hunan, Hubei and Anhui. Jiangxi province got its name during the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907) and because the Gan River runs through this province from north to south, it is also called Gan for short. It covers an area of 1,669,000 square kilometers.
Jiangxi is dominated by mountainous and hilly land, with mountains covering 36% of the province's total territory, hills, 42%. The remaining 22% is composed of plains and waters. Most of its mountains lie on the provincial borders. Mount Huaiyu in the northeast has the province's largest copper reserve; Wuyi Mountain, a World Cultural Heritage site, lies in the eastern part; the Dageng Ridge and Jiulian Mountain in the south are known as the "capital of tungsten"; in the west there is the Luoxiao Mountain; and in the northwest lie the mountains of Mufu and Jiuling. The Gan River enters Lake Poyang in the north, the largest freshwater lake of China. Jiangxi has a sub-tropical climate with cold springs and winters, hot summers and dry autumns thus accounting for its four distinct seasons.
Jiangxi province is a showcase for natural beauty. Tourists will find it hard to leave its beautiful mountains, lakes and rivers. Particularly attractive is Poyang Lake, which is not only the biggest fresh water lake in China, but also the largest winter habitat for white cranes. On the east side of this lake is Mt. Lushan, a wonderful summer resort with its lush mountains, enveloping clouds and mists, rapid streams and numerous deep pools and waterfalls. Another mountain - Jinggangshan enjoys a dual reputation. It is widely known as the cradle of the Chinese revolution. Tengwang Pavilion is located just west of Nanchang and is one of three famous pavilions at south of the Yangtze River. The highlight of Jiangxi travel should be Jingdezhen, which is known as the "Capital of Porcelain" in China. In addition, Jiangxi is one of the ancient tea-producing areas in China. The Black Tea produced in Ningzhou City and the Green Tea produced in Wuyuan City are well-known throughout China.