


"The supreme sight of Taihu Lake, after all, lies in Turtle Head Isle." Turtle Head Isle (Yuantouzhu) is located in Wuxi and derives its name from the way the peninsula juts out into the lake like the head of a turtle protruding from the water. Turtle Head Isle Park, built in 1918, was originally known as "Flying Cloud Villa", a private garden of national capitalist Yang Hanxi. Beautiful mountains and waters are complemented by exquisitelandscape and architecture in this park, earning it the title of "Taihu Lake's most scenic spot".


Here in Wuxi's "Utopia", there are awesome cliffs and beautiful gardens, but what is most appealing about this place is its superior vantage point overlooking Taihu Lake. Born and raised in Wuxi, I have always had a special place for these romantic waters in my heart. Even as an adult I find myself seeking out water landscapes wherever I travel, and comparing them mentally to my beloved Taihu Lake. And of course, nothing ever comes close to the ever-changing beauty of Taihu. For example, at "Turtle Islet Spring Waves" on a fine, sunny day, Taihu Lake becomes serene and tranquil like a jeweled mirror fallen from heaven; when fierce winds and pounding rain take away her dignified calm, Taihu's great waves surge and thunder like ten thousand galloping horses.


Winter, spring, summer, and fall, Turtle Head Isle undergoes a thousand makeovers. My favorite is when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. What a feeling, wading about in a sea of flowers! No wonder it was said, "Man swims in a sea of flowers, the flowers reflect the man's face". There are over 30,000 cherry trees in the cherry valley, covering over 1000 mu (1000 mu = approx. 165 acres) with 68 different varieties of cherry trees. It is known as the best scenic destination in China for appreciating cherry blossoms. An unbroken stretch of mountains surrounding the pristine waters, sunlight glistening off the waves, sailboats dotting the lake surface, a swirl of falling cherry petals—the blossoms may fade within days but these scenes may stay imprinted in our minds forever.

