In the home of a villager, I saw several big red lanterns hung in his spacious hall from the ceiling and there were bow and arrow, saber and sword put up on the walls, demonstrating the extraordinary family line of the house owner. In his dining room, a self-made horse head string instrument caught my attention. I couldn't help wondering why there was such an instrument in a village of southern Anhui, which was commonly seen in the northern desert. The householder explained to me that the tribe of King Xiutu abided by the will of Heaven and loved peace, and thus he was endowed with the privilege of officiating at sacrificial rites. As many Xiongnu men were held captive in the reign of Wu Di, when they yearned for home, they wrote songs and sang them with this instrument, which were passed down from generation to generation.早晨起来在村里转悠,我发现整个村落依山而建,被九条山脉环抱其中,称为"九龙戏珠"。村中小道交错纵横,宛如迷宫。一条小溪贯穿全村,一座座黑瓦粉墙、青砖门楼的老屋错落有致,分布其间。房前屋后,菜花金黄,桃花粉嫩,柳枝翠绿,青灰色的老屋掩映在桃红柳绿中,俨然一派皖南田园春色。只有一座建于元代的碉楼,看上去仍然保留着些许匈奴民族的烙印。匈奴人勇猛剽悍,骁勇善战,除了迁徙、作战时住在帐篷里,一般都住碉楼,以便御敌。这幢碉楼墙壁之间的夹角只有60度,如同利器。墙身厚实,门窗窄小,枪眼里似乎随时都有利箭射出。也许,寨子里的匈奴后裔们就曾经在这碉楼里对外巡视,或许与外敌还有过激战。现在这碉楼已经废弃不用,只有屋檐上飞鹰般的瓦片,仍在默默诉说着匈奴后代的往昔心事。
I walked around in the village in the morning. The entire village was nestled at the foot of mountains. As it was embraced by nine mountains, it was thus described as "nine dragons playing with a pearl". The paths in the village crisscrossed as if constructing a labyrinth, and there was a stream meandering through the village. Old houses with black tiles, pink walls and cyan bricks were lined in order along the water. Golden rape flowers, pink peach blossoms, and green willow twigs surrounding the old houses, presented an amazing pastoral scroll of Anhui characteristics. Only the military watchtower built in the Yuan Dynasty, seemed to have preserved some features of the Xiongnu people. The Xiongnu were brave and skillful in battles; except for migrating and being in the wars when they would lodge in tents, they usually lived in watchtowers to better self-defend. The angle contained by two walls was only 60 degree, making it like a sward piercing into the sky. The walls were heavy and thick, and the door and windows were narrow and small. One could not tell the direction the arrow would come from within the tower. Perhaps in the past the descendants of the Xiongnu people had made inspections in the watchtower, or they even fought battles here. Now the watchtower has fallen into oblivion, but the tiles in the shape of a flying eagle on the roof were as if telling the deepest feelings of these descendents.昏暗的祠堂内,几位负责修缮的工人正在休息,背后金氏列祖列宗的牌位静默伫立。这个骁勇善战的草原部落,历经了历史长河的洗礼,终于融化在了这片轻柔的江南烟雨中,在时光中静默,回首。
Several workers who were in charge of renovating the hall were taking a rest in the dimness. Memorial tablets of the ancestors were in a quiet array. The brave and battlewise tribe, weathered in the long process of history, has finally merged itself into the soft and misty rain in south of the Yangtze River, keeping silent in time and retrospection.