

The bitterness at a glance, and pressed
Into the comfort of her breast

The deep-throed quaking shape that drooped
In misery's wilful aggravation,

Before the farmer as he stooped,
Touched with accusing consternation:

Soothing her as she sobbed aloud:-
'Not me! not me! Oh, no, no, no!

Not me! God will not take me in!
Nothing can wipe away my sin!

I shall not see her: you will go;
You and all that she loves so:

Not me! not me! Oh, no, no, no!'
Colourless, her long black hair,

Like seaweed in a tempest tossed
Tangling astray, to Joan's care

She yielded like a creature lost:
Yielded, drooping toward the ground,

As doth a shape one half-hour drowned,
And heaved from sea with mast and spar,

All dark of its immortal star.
And on that tender heart, inured

To flatter basest grief, and fight
Despair upon the brink of night,

She suffered herself to sink, assured
Of refuge; and her ear inclined

To comfort; and her thoughts resigned
To counsel; her wild hair let brush

From off her weeping brows; and shook
With many little sobs that took

Deeper-drawn breaths, till into sighs,
Long sighs, they sank; and to the 'hush!'

Of Joan's gentle chide, she sought
Childlike to check them as she ought,

Looking up at her infantwise.
And Willie, gazing on them both,

Shivered with bliss through blood and brain,
To see the darling of his troth

Like a maternal angel strain
The sinful and the sinless child

At once on either breast, and there
In peace and promise reconciled

Unite them: nor could Nature's care
With subtler sweet beneficence

Have fed the springs of penitence,
Still keeping true, though harshly tried,

The vital prop of human pride.

What is the name of King Ringang's daughter?
Rohtraut, Beauty Rohtraut!

And what does she do the livelong day,
Since she dare not knit and spin alway?

O hunting and fishing is ever her play!
And, heigh! that her huntsman I might be!

I'd hunt and fish right merrily!
Be silent, heart!

And it chanced that, after this some time, -
Rohtraut, Beauty Rohtraut, -

The boy in the Castle has gained access,
And a horse he has got and a huntsman's dress,

To hunt and to fish with the merry Princess;
And, O! that a king's son I might be!

Beauty Rohtraut I love so tenderly.
Hush! hush! my heart.

Under a grey old oak they sat,
Beauty, Beauty Rohtraut!

She laughs: 'Why look you so slyly at me?
If you have heart enough, come, kiss me.'

Cried the breathless boy, 'kiss thee?'
But he thinks, kind fortune has favoured my youth;

And thrice he has kissed Beauty Rohtraut's mouth.
Down! down! mad heart.

Then slowly and silently they rode home, -
Rohtraut, Beauty Rohtraut!

The boy was lost in his delight:
'And, wert thou Empress this very night,

I would not heed or feel the blight;
Ye thousand leaves of the wild wood wist

How Beauty Rohtraut's mouth I kiss'd.
Hush! hush! wild heart.'

A dove flew with an Olive Branch;

It crossed the sea and reached the shore,
And on a ship about to launch

Dropped down the happy sign it bore.
'An omen' rang the glad acclaim!

The Captain stooped and picked it up,
'Be then the Olive Branch her name,'

Cried she who flung the christening cup.
The vessel took the laughing tides;

It was a joyous revelry
To see her dashing from her sides

The rough, salt kisses of the sea.
And forth into the bursting foam

She spread her sail and sped away,
The rolling surge her restless home,

Her incense wreaths the showering spray.
Far out, and where the riot waves

Run mingling in tumultuous throngs,
She danced above a thousand graves,

And heard a thousand briny songs.
Her mission with her manly crew,

Her flag unfurl'd, her title told,
She took the Old World to the New,

And brought the New World to the Old.
Secure of friendliest welcomings,

She swam the havens sheening fair;
Secure upon her glad white wings,

She fluttered on the ocean air.
To her no more the bastioned fort

Shot out its swarthy tongue of fire;
From bay to bay, from port to port,

Her coming was the world's desire.
And tho' the tempest lashed her oft,

And tho' the rocks had hungry teeth,
And lightnings split the masts aloft,

And thunders shook the planks beneath,
And tho' the storm, self-willed and blind,

Made tatters of her dauntless sail,
And all the wildness of the wind

Was loosed on her, she did not fail;
But gallantly she ploughed the main,

And gloriously her welcome pealed,
And grandly shone to sky and plain

The goodly bales her decks revealed;
Brought from the fruitful eastern glebes

Where blow the gusts of balm and spice,
Or where the black blockaded ribs

Are jammed 'mongst ghostly fleets of ice,
Or where upon the curling hills

Glow clusters of the bright-eyed grape,
Or where the hand of labour drills

The stubbornness of earth to shape;
Rich harvestings and wealthy germs,

And handicrafts and shapely wares,
And spinnings of the hermit worms,

And fruits that bloom by lions' lairs.
Come, read the meaning of the deep!

The use of winds and waters learn!
'Tis not to make the mother weep

For sons that never will return;
'Tis not to make the nations show

Contempt for all whom seas divide;
'Tis not to pamper war and woe,

Nor feed traditionary pride;
'Tis not to make the floating bulk

Mask death upon its slippery deck,
Itself in turn a shattered hulk,

A ghastly raft, a bleeding wreck.
It is to knit with loving lip

The interests of land to land;
To join in far-seen fellowship

The tropic and the polar strand.
It is to make that foaming Strength

Whose rebel forces wrestle still
Thro' all his boundaried breadth and length

Become a vassal to our will.
It is to make the various skies,

And all the various fruits they vaunt,
And all the dowers of earth we prize,

Subservient to our household want.
And more, for knowledge crowns the gain

Of intercourse with other souls,
And Wisdom travels not in vain

The plunging spaces of the poles.
The wild Atlantic's weltering gloom,

Earth-clasping seas of North and South,
The Baltic with its amber spume,

The Caspian with its frozen mouth;
The broad Pacific, basking bright,

And girdling lands of lustrous growth,
Vast continents and isles of light,

Dumb tracts of undiscovered sloth;
She visits these, traversing each;

They ripen to the common sun;
Thro' diverse forms and different speech,

The world's humanity is one.
O may her voice have power to say

How soon the wrecking discords cease,
When every wandering wave is gay

With golden argosies of peace!
Now when the ark of human fate,

Long baffled by the wayward wind,
Is drifting with its peopled freight,

Safe haven on the heights to find;
Safe haven from the drowning slime

Of evil deeds and Deluge wrath; -
To plant again the foot of Time

Upon a purer, firmer path;
'Tis now the hour to probe the ground,

To watch the Heavens, to speak the word,
The fathoms of the deep to sound,

And send abroad the missioned bird,
On strengthened wing for evermore,

Let Science, swiftly as she can,
Fly seaward on from shore to shore,

And bind the links of man to man;
And like that fair propitious Dove

Bless future fleets about to launch;
Make every freight a freight of love,

And every ship an Olive Branch.

